ABDL Phone Sex with Devious Sexy Mom, Abby. Be prepared to be laughed at. Humiliated and made to wear tight little pampers when good and when bad generic itchy diapers with little girly designs on them. You’ll be a sorry little sissy bitch. This Mom is not known for being nice or generous. Just the opposite in fact. Make a mess? Frilly little dressed and everyone told how naughty you are.
Do you like wearing a diaper? I know you do. On the positive side I like to be mean and humiliate you. Laughing as I dress you in a frilly little number. Without delay telling everyone what a sissy little boy/girl you are. How you have the tiniest penis possible. It is so small that is might as well be a little clit and that is why you are made to wear little girl colors and clothes. You aren’t a girl because you don’t have a vagina.
You aren’t a boy because boy’s have a penis and you don’t really have one of those either. You are more like an it that goes potty in a diaper. Changing you in front of everyone so that they can all see that you have a tiny little thing. Pat that behind and send you on the way.