Archive for abdl female

Adult diaper lover Donna does like the poopy diaper.

Adult diaper lover

Adult diaper lover Donna does like the poopy diaper. I like to wear one just to poop in it. This way I am able to play in my own scat. Toss it at you. We can both play in the messy diaper. After all, why should you be the only one in the messy poop […]

Adult diaper lover therapist plays with her patients.

Adult diaper lover

Adult diaper lover therapist plays with her patients.  Going to make you cum in that diaper. Going to swaddle you, wrap you up and make you cry. Put you on my knee and bounce you. Give you a bottle. Burb you. As your therapist it is obviously my duty to help you in any way […]

ABDL phone sex for mommies is fucking hot and naughty!

ABDL phone sex

ABDL phone sex for mommies is fucking hot and naughty! I’m Elizabeth, a mother who recently discovered the joy of diapers. It’s a strange but exhilarating sensation that fills me with an inexplicable thrill. Now I’m able to connect with like-minded individuals and explore my kinks without any judgment. Wearing diapers is so naughty isn’t […]

ABDL Phone Sex with My Adult Baby Daughter

abdl phone sex

Do you enjoy ABDL phone sex? I know I do. But maybe not for the same reasons. My daughter dabbles in the lifestyle. She is not a full-time adult baby. However, she became a mom twice before she could legally drink. And I think sometimes she just wants to be dependent on me again. Some […]

ABDL phone sex Youngone put in diapers!

ABDL phone sex

ABDL phone sex isn’t just for men in huggies! ABDL Sessions include a teen twat being dominated to wear them and being punished too! Being a super dirty girl I enjoy the men who put me in diapers and make me be extra nasty for them. It’s a taboo scene and I want to show […]

ABDL Phone Sex with a Fun Loving Mommy

abdl phone sex

I enjoy ABDL phone sex. My daughter is an occasional adult baby lover. It comforts her to know her mommy will always care for her. I suspect her adult baby needs are not unlike yours. You know, I get that folks need some extra TLC. Especially around the holidays. My daughter has been overwhelmed with […]

ABDL Phone Sex Every Day Fun

ABDL phone Sex

I’ve been keeping an ABDL phone sex type secret for awhile now.  I am a new mommy!  Of an ABDL at least.  Imagine my diaper lovers, this is you in this scenario,   I walk into your room, sat down by your bed began by gently caressing my little boys soft skin as he lay […]

ABDL phone sex gets this mom’s instincts and pussy going.

ABDL phone sex

ABDL phone sex gets this mom’s instincts and pussy going. Now I do love taking care of a grown man in a diaper. Let you suckle at my breast. In fact you should suckle good and hard while I rub your back and pat your behind. It’s the first thing we need to do when […]

Adult diaper lover Mommy Elizabeth Loves Diapers

adult diaper lover

Adult diaper lover Mommy Elizabeth Loves Diapers. In fact I love everything about wearing diapers and being a little potty pants. Sometimes a man needs to be a cute baby boy with a mommy in diapers. I know for fact My oldest daughter loves when I become a little. My girl enjoys changing my shitty […]

I Love My Adult Diaper Lover Daughter

abdl phone sex

I love an adult diaper lover. My daughter dabbles in the lifestyle. I think because she became the mother of two before she was even old enough to drink that she likes to age regress sometimes. I get it. It is a lot to be changing diapers and trying to finish college. Sometimes, she does […]


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