Tag Archive: dirty mom

Adult diaper lover Mommy Lena has lots of time to play

Adult diaper lover Mommy Lena, really loves to take her time with you sweetie. I think it’s far more fun to draw out your diaper time. I want to make sure you are nice and relaxed for whats coming for you. And you’ve been a naughty boy, and I’ve caught you with your trousers down, your little dick dribbling pre-cum as you watch your new filthy mama exploring her oiled-up body in the mirror. I’m wearing my signature lacy black lingerie, my brown thigh-high stockings showcasing my freshly-shaved pussy. I’ll ask my darling, “Are you missing your Mommy little boy?”Adult diaper lover

You’ll blush, your face flushed and your mouth dry. “Yes, Mommy…” Mommy knows you have been in that ducky diaper for a while. So I order you to pick out a fresh one for play time. And of course you pick Mickey, you love that little fucker don’t you? How do you think Mickey would feel if he found out what you do to his diapers, huh? Maybe Mommy should record our playtime sessions so she can expose you, so everyone can know what kind of dirty little diaper slut you are.

I guess if you are a really good boy, put on that Mickey diaper and do everything your Dirty mom says, you won’t be exposed.

I expect you to fill it up for me. I want to watch Mickey get bigger and bigger. You are going to sit in your sloppy mess for as long as I say. I plan on making you sit in your poopies till you are nice and crusty. Your new Daddy loves a tight little diaper slut nice and crusty.




(855) 733-5746 ext 4718

Adult diaper lover boys need a milky mom to take care of them.

Adult diaper loverAdult diaper lover boys need a milky mom to take care of them. My extra large breastfeed my babes and my big boys who wear diapers. There is nothing more satisfying than having my big boy and a diaper crawl up in my lap. I pop one of these big titties and his mouth and rub his back. He knows he’s a good boy and that’s a suppository and it’s bottom is going to make him have to go potty soon.

I cannot wait until he just blows out the back of that diaper. Until then I rub his belly and the front of his diaper. Mommy pushes and squeezes until he pisses while I’m holding on to his dinky. The way he suckles and moans as I slip my hand inside of that wet nappy has me very horny.

Adult diaper lover boys need a milky mom to take care of them.

Soon, just when I’m changing him from one breast to another; his bottom explodes. It’s a super stinky winky potty he’s made for me. I laugh because I got so hard on the stench. But ever the good mommy I am still inside his pants jerking him off with his shit. My big boy who’s wearing diapers cries and asks Mommy to stop. What do you think should I stop jerking them off at his own mess?

My ABDL phone sex is a mixture of mean and nasty for my boys who like to wear diapers. I have those tits full of milk that make you have the extra stinky poopies in your diapers. Mommy likes to jerk you as you feed and make you piss and shit in your diaper before I change you. If this sounds exciting to you it’s like it does to me why don’t you come and find your mommy Regina with her big milky titties!

Milky ABDL mommy Regina

(855) 733-5746 ext 4416

If You are an Adult Diaper Lover, I Want to Be Your Sweet Mommy

adult diaper lover I’m an adult diaper lover. Not for me. I’ve never worn diapers. However, I have met men throughout my adult career who love a sweet mommy giving them love. I have done porn, escorting and stripping. Now phone sex too. Who am I to judge if you like wearing diapers.

A couple years ago, I met a filthy rich man at the strip club I feature dance at a couple times a month. And he made me a proposition I could not refuse. For $5,000 a visit, I act as his sweet loving mommy. Men who like to piss and shit in diapers rarely get much love, especially from their wives. But men like my client can hire a phone sex mommy to nurture and encourage them.

I went to see my big baby boy last night. He felt like he needed his mommy. And I needed his money, so I went to see him when he called. And I found him sitting in a messy diaper. Hell, I could smell the messy diaper as I walked up his sidewalk, LOL. Peee Ewwww I said when I walked in. “Someone made a stinky,” I cooed at him. He looked flushed, so I knew I embarrassed him.

This Sexy Mommy Loves Her Diaper Boys

But he deserved it. When I changed him, his diaper looked like it had a weeks’ worth of piss and shit in it. Thank God he has a diaper genie. He made me work for this payday. Since he appeared so messy, I gave him a bath. He loves bath time with mommy. I washed him bum, and his little balls and dick too. Even shampooed his hair. So, I had him smelling fresh as a daisy.

After his bath, I put him in a fresh diaper and nursed him. A good breast feeding puts boys and men alike right to bed too. He tipped me on top of my regular payment for the extra effort I put into cleaning his messy bottom. I love sweet mommy phone sex. And if I get paid for it, all the better.

Dirty Mommy Gianna

1-855-733-5746 Ext 4081

Adult Baby Diaper Lover Mom Aspen is gonna good care of you

Adult Baby Diaper Lover Mom Aspen love knows no bounds!  My mission is to provide you with the utmost care my little guy. You know Mommy loves you, I mean that’s why I spoil you with only the cutest diapers! It was so fun when we played yesterday. I looked up to see you,  little one waddling towards me, that teddy bear diaper peeking out from beneath your pajamas. A soft smile spread across my face as I opened my arms for a hug.Adult Baby Diaper Lover

You climbed into my lap, snuggling close as I stroked his hair. “Did you have a good nap, my little love?” I asked, my voice filled with warmth.

You nodded, eyes shining with excitement. “Yes, Mommy Aspen. I dreamed about you.”

My heart swelled with love. “That’s so sweet,” I said, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Did you have fun playing with your toys while I was gone?”

He nodded again, his cheeks flushing with excitement. “Yes, Mommy Aspen. I played with my teddy bear and my diaper.”

I smiled at his innocent enthusiasm. “That’s wonderful, baby,” I said. “Mommy Aspen is so happy that you’re having fun. But now it’s time for something even more fun.”

His eyes widened with curiosity. “What is it, Mommy Aspen?”

I reached for the enema bag on the table, giving it a gentle squeeze. “It’s time for your enema, baby,” I said, my voice husky with desire. “Mommy Aspen is going to fill up your little asshole and you have to be a big boy and hold it till I say you can let it go, ok?”

His eyes sparkled with excitement and he nodded eagerly. “Yes, Mommy Aspen. I want that.”

I helped him lie down on the bed, his teddy bear diaper exposed for my viewing pleasure. I could see the anticipation in his eyes as I prepared the enema, heating the water to the perfect temperature.

As I inserted the nozzle into that little asshole, and you let out a such a cute soft moan. My baby is so excited to play with his Dirty Mom! I slowly began to fill you up, watching as that belly grew round and full.

“That’s it, baby,” I whispered, my voice thick with desire. “Mommy Aspen is filling you up, just like you want.”

You writhed in pleasure, your body trembling with anticipation. “Yes, Mommy Aspen. It feels so good.”

As I pulled out the nozzle, you let out a soft sigh of relief, you body relaxing as the enema took effect. I helped you to your feet.

“You hold it till I say you can let go, understand?” you nodded, your body is trembling because how full you are.

It didn’t take long did it? You were trying so hard to hold it in but Mommy just had to torture you didn’t she? I let out a loud yelp just to startle the shit outta ya and now you gotta pay and get a punishment from Mommy.



(855) 733-5746 ext 4454

Mommy Loves Her Adult Diaper Lover Big Boy

My sweet adult diaper lover, mommy loves you. adult diaper loverAs you walked into the nursery, you couldn’t help but feel a wave of nostalgia wash over you. The soft glow from the nightlight cast an ethereal pink hue across the room, and the gentle hum of your mother’s rocking chair filled the air. You knew what she would find when she checked on you – another accident in your diaper.

Mommy tsked as she entered the nursery, her eyes immediately drawn to the telltale wet spot on your diaper. “Oh dear,” she cooed, reaching down to feel how soaked it was. “Looks like someone had an accident.” She sighed softly before picking up a fresh change of clothes for you and heading towards your crib with purposeful strides.

Your heart raced as mommy lifted up your legs one by one and began removing your soggy pajama bottoms; exposing not only your messy diaper but also leaving little doubt about how aroused this whole scenario made you feel deep down inside. With practiced ease, she slid off that damp protection and tossed it aside before unfastening the tabs on a new, clean diaper. She gently spread your legs apart and positioned the fresh absorbent material between them, making sure to tuck in all corners snugly against your skin. Then came the powder – she dusted some onto her palms and rubbed them together before patting down your privates, ensuring there would be no irritation from chafing or rubbing against sensitive areas once dry.



1-877-733-5746 ext. 4400

Adult diaper lover will be a good little sissy for sister

Adult diaper loverMy Adult diaper lover little bro looks so cute all sissied up. Also, he’s got a bit of a diaper fetish. I actually enjoy the play time with him too. It’s so cute when I sneak my head in his diaper and give his little guy a jerk. Sweet boy can cum really fast, I love to make his diaper all sticky first.

I make sure he only wears the cutest diapers. Plain diapers are for grannies, he needs the kind with cute cartoon characters on them. It’s even more fun when I get to put him in pink ones, I will also put a wig on him and some lipstick. He looks like such a little sissy slut, Daddy can’t help but join in on the fun.

Daddy really loves when he is in the pink ones. He just slides the diaper over and shoves his hog in my little brother’s ass. I love the way my little bro screams when Daddy slams that cock his bussy, just like a sweet little girl! I think it is the best when that little diaper slut is sandwiched between me and Daddy. He sucks my clit like a little pacifier.  I bet you have some pretty nasty Sissification stories too, we should share!


(855) 733-5746 ext 4185

ABDL Phone Sex Lets a Sweet Mommy Love You

abdl phone sexABDL phone sex I enjoy. In my personal life, I met an adult baby a few months ago while I was feature dancing at a strip club. You could call him a Daddy Warbucks. Very rich. When I first went to his place, it shocked me to see all his furniture he had custom made to fit his big body. And when I say big body, I mean it. He must weigh 300 pounds. And he stands about 6 feet tall. But when he approached me about diapering him, I hesitated until he offered me money. A lot of money too.

I agreed. We get together once a month. And for that time, my adult diaper lover pays me $5,000. A couple hours and he pays me. But I work hard for the money. Changing his diaper seems like a nightmare most of the time because of his size. And when he poops in his diaper, it is like changing a horse’s diaper. Yes, he poops that much. I have changed many diapers in my life. But I have never changed a diaper on a man that big who shits that much. So, when I say I earn that money, I mean it.

I am a Sweet Mommy Looking for a Big Baby Boy

Not only do I change him, I bathe him too. He barely fits in his tub. And I cannot fit in the tub with him. So, I kneel on the floor and wash him head to toe. I cannot fit him on my lap, so we get in his bed, and I nurse him and read him a story. For the most part, I enjoy our time together. I miss being a mommy in those dependent years. They grow up so fast.  So, if you want a sweet mommy phone sex lover, I am happy to change your diaper too. Mommy is here for you.

Dirty Mommy Gianna

(855) 733-5746 Ext 4081

A beta Adult diaper lover like you deserve a spanking

A beta Adult diaper lover like you is really fun to punish. So pathetic and desperate for attention. You are lucky to find such a nice mommy like me. Not only is my puffy pussy nice and sloppy but my sweet little bunnies are ready to play too.Adult diaper loverAs a Mother, I want to show my girls a variety of cocks, even a dainty one like yours. And they are still very fresh so they won’t mind much. Although, I bet they will barely feel that dinky you got there. Let’s be real, the most interesting thing about you are the cute little diapers you wear.

Your love for diapers is adorable, really. And the best part is, my little bunnies and I are no strangers to diapers either. We’ve grown up now and wear cute little panties, but when a beta boy like you comes around, we’re happy to throw on some cute diapers and play naughty games with you.

But don’t think for a second that we’re going to go easy on you. No, no, no. We like to give you hard punishments for being such a dirty boy. And when you make your diaper all messy, well, let’s just say you deserve everything you get.

You’re a nasty boy, you know that? Your dick gets hard to my sweet little bun buns. Can you imagine if you were to be exposed? You better listen to your Dirty mom very carefully or you could get in a load of trouble. You don’t want to make mommy completely ruin you, do you?




Adult Diaper Lover Fun Stay in the Family

adult diaper loverI know a female adult diaper lover and bottom bitch boy. My son and my daughter. Last night they came over for some fetish play. My girl wanted to wear a diaper, walk around the house topless sucking on her bottle. And my son wanted his mommy to peg his ass. I love that sometimes my offspring like to explore the fetish world. It can be so much fun. However, no one knows about our fetish fun expect the three of us and you.

My daughter became a mother young. She and her brother started fucking as teenagers, and that led to an incest pregnancy not once but twice. So, I understand why she likes to be an ABDL female sometimes. This mommy enjoys taking care of her big baby girl. We had a fun night. I gave each of them a bath just like I did when they both wore diapers the first time. My son is two years older than his sister, so they often bathed together.

I Love Age Regression Play and Diaper Lovers

Of course, now, all three of us cannot fit in the bathtub, but we can still rub a dub dub together. Our evening began with baths. I washed each of them up just like I did decades ago. Fed them macaroni with cut up hot dogs in it. Their favorite dish way back then. After dinner, we played with Legos. But before bedtime, we had some kinky fun. I pegged my son’s little boy ass pretending like daddy needed to punish his son for being naughty touching his pee pee.

While I punished his boy butt, he ate his sister’s diapered ass. He just pulled the soggy diaper to the side and licked up and down her pee soaked bottom and cunnie. Eventually, this phone sex mommy nursed them, put them both in clean diapers, tucked them into bed and red them a bedtime story. We do not have this kind of fun often, but when we do, I go all out to make my babies feel loved and cared for. A mommy’s job is never ending.

Dirty Mommy Victoria

(855) 733-5746 Ext 4229

It’s ABDL phone sex party time, Baby lets get nasty!


It’s ABDL phone sex party time, Baby lets get nasty! I know how hard it can be for my little sissies to make friends, which is why I’ve decided to throw the ultimate ABDL party, where all the sissy mommies and their diaper sluts can come together and have a great time. And boy, do I have some very special treats in store for my little babies.ABDL phone sex

But first, let’s talk about the rules. If you want to be a part of this exclusive party, then you better make sure you follow Mommy’s orders to the letter. That means serving the big, black cocks that I’ll be providing for you to pleasure. And trust me, these men are packing some serious heat. I expect you to take every inch of them sliding over your diaper and thrusting deep into you.

Now, I know some of my little sissies might be a bit nervous about this, but don’t worry, I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way. And if you’re a good little slut, Mommy might just give you some extra special treatment.

But be warned, if you fail to meet my expectations, there will be consequences. You’ll be forced to wear the ugliest diapers I can find and sit in your own mess for hours on end. Do you really want that, my little sissy? I didn’t think so.

So come on, baby, let’s worship black cock together. Just imagine a huge black God sliding over your diaper and pounding you until your diapy is filled with cummies.  Trust me, you’re going to love it.

And who knows, maybe you’ll even make some new friends along the way. But remember, my little sissy, this is Mommy’s party, and I make the rules. So if you want to be a part of it, you better make sure you’re on your best behavior.

And if you’re really, really good, I just might let you lick my boots clean at the end of the night. Now, isn’t that a reward worth working for?

Come on, my little sissy, don’t be shy. It’s time to let your inner slut out and have the time of your life. Mommy’s waiting for you.



(855) 733-5746 ext 4402

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