Are you an adult diaper lover? I am a sweet mommy. And a mommy who misses having little ones around dependent on me for their every need. My youngest offspring are teenagers. So, they no longer require me to feed them, change them or bathe them. And my daughter knows that I miss being a hands-on mommy. So, she introduced me to her friend Billy. He loves to wear diapers. However, he cannot tell his wife that. According to him, she would freak out.
So, I agreed to be his sweet mommy once a week. In our time together we get both of our needs met. I get to nurture another little one. And he gets the sweet mommy phone sex he craves. Wives do not understand most kinks and fetishes. They either think their husband is gay or a pervert or both. But adult babies are different from cock sucking sissies. Adult babies just like to go back to that time when mommy loved them and cared for them.
Let Mommy Feed, Bathe and Change You
Being an adult baby is more akin to being submissive to mommy. And ABDL boy wants to feel loved and cared for and nurtured again. It is about giving up power, and trusting a woman to take care of them just like mommy did many years ago. Maybe even better if their mommy did not nurture them well.
And I am a nurturer. So, when Billy came over Saturday night, I made sure to take care of him. We began with a feeding. Although I no longer have milk in my breasts, I can pretend. After a feeding, baby Billy got a bubble bath, and this phone sex mommy washed his hair and cute little body. And once my baby boy looked and smelled all clean, I put a new diaper on him and rocked him to sleep. Wives do not understand what they are missing. It feels great to have another person dependent on you.
If you need a sweet mommy, I would love to take care of you too.