ABDL Phone Sex with My Adult Baby Daughter

abdl phone sexDo you enjoy ABDL phone sex? I know I do. But maybe not for the same reasons. My daughter dabbles in the lifestyle. She is not a full-time adult baby. However, she became a mom twice before she could legally drink. And I think sometimes she just wants to be dependent on me again. Some days she does not want two angels dependent on her. And I get it. Motherhood can be stressful.

Even when you have a good support system, it can still be stressful. So, I enjoy alleviating some of that stress for her by letting her be a big baby girl again. And last night she needed a break from reality. And I was there to help my ABDL female daughter. Just like I enjoy helping you guys take a break from reality and go back into time when you had no pressure and no one relying on you.

Do You Need an Adult Diaper Mommy

First, I gave my daughter a feeding. She likes to pretend like she is nursing again. And I never mind her sucking on my tits. Loved it when I had milk in my boobs still too. After her feeding, we took a bath. We are both slender, so we fit in my bathtub together. I use the old Johnson and Johnson’s products on her. She smells so good afterwards. After the bath I put her in a clean diaper, and we play games like Leggos and building blocks. And I read to her too.

I love being her mommy when she acts like a big baby girl and when she acts like a 24-year-old too. My son is straighter laced. I love him too, but he would never suck on a pacifier and where diapers. Not even for money, LOL. And the truth is that I miss being a mother to super young ones again. So, maybe I can be your phone sex mommy?

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