Archive for Adult baby phone sex

ABDL phone sex with Lucy

abdl phone sex

Abdl phone sex wasn’t really my thing until this one day when I got a kinky call that changed my entire life. Now, I rub my cunnie to the thought of diapering a man, almost daily. Especially the naughty guy that got me hooked on abdl fun in the first place. He needed a babysitter […]

ABDL phone sex with Miss Remi

abdl phone sex

  I’m a training slut that specializes in whipping sissies into shape and training them to be the perfect, little cum dump whores. Lately I’ve been having fun exploring lots of other kinky fuckery on my phone calls. My newest favorite type of calls are these hot and naughty, abld phone sex calls that I’ve […]

Wynona Meets An Adult Diaper Lover!

I’m the crybaby Queen of BBW Mommy bitches, the type that hard discipline their adult diaper lover brats. I can discipline any bare bottomed bitch boy who’s acting like a naughty nuisance. In fact, I remember when I first met an adult diaper fetishist. I was in the deep, dark underbelly of Philadelphia, prowling the […]

ABDL phone sex With A Hot Nanny

ABDL phone sex

Now, now.  Don’t be upset.  Your Mommy has to go to work and you know it.  Yes, I know it upsets you but that is just the way it is.  I have been here for two weeks and you and I both know that in a little bit you will start to have fun.  We […]