Tag Archive: Adult diaper lover

ABDL Phone Sex with a Sexy Mommy

abdl phone sexABDL phone sex turns me on. I am a dominant mommy. And I enjoy adult babies and sissies. Mature women exhibit more patience and understanding with diaper boys than most younger girls or wives. That is because as mothers, we know how to be nurturing. When Billy called me to change his diaper, he shared with me that his wife never lets him explore his fetish. Although I felt badly for him, I understood where she was coming from too.

I do not think I could stay married to my husband if he suddenly wanted to poop and pee in a diaper and he expected me to change him. Or if he wanted to age regress and nurse from my boobs. But that does not mean I cannot be a loving abdl mommy to an adult diaper lover. I think adult babies need two women in their lives. Their wives and their abdl mommy.

Women struggle to see a man as an equal and a lover after he craps in a diaper and starts talking baby talk. However, another man’s wife or mother can fill that void. I saw Billy as my son, not my husband and I gave him the nurturing he needed so desperately. I cradled him, nursed him, loved him and bathed him.

If your wife does not accept your diaper loving side, be understanding with her. And call someone like me. I love taking care of my baby boys.


ABDL Mommy Nicolette

(855) 733-5746 Ext 4407

Adult Baby Diaper Lover loves when mommy nurtures him to bed

Adult Baby Diaper LoverHey there Adult Baby Diaper Lover boy, momma got the nursery all set up and ready for her sweet lover boy. I know you’ve had such a long day and I can only imagine how stuffed that diaper must be. Especially because nobody else knows but me. That is what momma is here for, to nurse you and relieve you of all your day’s stress. I had no other choice but to diaper you since you wouldn’t stop wetting the bed. Now I have you wearing diapers even when you are outside of the house.

You know there will be repercussions if I ever find out that you used a big boy potty. I used to reprimand you by giving you a handjob and making you cum inside of your pissy diaper but I realized that is no way to treat my sweet boy. Sissy diaper humiliation is only something you have to go through if you ever disobey me which is exactly why you tend to stay on my good side… Isn’t that so? Every time I lay you down for nap time you always get uncontrollably wet from excitement. You love it when momma removes the damp diaper and puts you in a fresh one right before completely relieving you.

I love playing the role of your mother even though we both know you are far beyond your diaper days… After seeing and feeling that wittle weiner I knew that a diaper was what would comfort him. Sissy boys shouldn’t wear lacy panties that would be so uncomfortable. Your fun-sized cock needs to be nurtured. That is why before bedtime I always allow you to sweetly pee your diaper while I roll my thumb around that little clit looking cock of yours. I am your favorite Sweet mommy phone sex slut and I will always do every and anything to keep it that way, loverr.

ABDL Mommy Eden

(855) 733-5746 ext 4705

ABDL phone sex Pampers or Huggies? Let Mommy Susan Decide

ABDL phone sexMommy Susan loves her little boy friends who can’t yet make decisions on their own.  She is in charge of what diapers to get to be put on and when for some of her favorite little ones.  Pampers are her favorites to wrap up those little cocks and balls. She sure loves that little giggle you make when she puts that new fresh Pampers Cruiser over that little cock and balls of yours.  When you are an extra good boy, she gives you a nice wet kiss on that little cock before tucking it safely in the little pampers cruisers where it keeps your little precious jewels so nice and snug.

You sometimes struggle because you don’t want to take it off after you wet yourself. Mommy Susan understands.  Those little dicks and peanuts feel so snug inside that tightly closed diaper.  The beads have all but absorbed the wetness so it expands onto your litlte cock.  Making it feel even more secure with the expanded beads pressing up against you even more after you relieve your wetness in that soft Pampers Cruisers (the Elmo ones of course).  Mommy Susan gets that but I sweetly sing to you and distract you during diaper changing time.

I powder your little bum after wiping with the freshly unscented baby wipes. These are for your sensitive skin so you don’t break out because of course your Mommy Susan is always thinking of her precious little guy.  I then lotion your legs and tickle between your thighs.  I always tease your little cock putting it in my mouth and tell you it disappeared. You giggle and squirm when we play this game.  This time however, I realize I have a salty taste in my mouth as I realize my silly little boy has squirted his cum in mommy’s mouth.  I guess he really is liking his diaper changes, what a fun little horny diaper loving boy! Mommy sure loves you and loves our time together o ou ”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””

Mommy Susan

1-855-733-5746 ext. 4212

ABDL Phone sex Milky Mommy Feeds you her breast Milk

ABDL phone sex

ABDL Phone sex Mommy Feeds you her breast Milk. Are you my good boy who’s so hungry for momma milk? Come crawl in my lap and let me pat your behind as you suckle so sweetly. Oh How I love patting those crinkles and smooshing your diaper as you feed.

Oh look daddy is here! He just thinks your the sweetest bouncing baby boy too! Watch as daddy leans down and takes a gulp pf my breast milk. But you see something else that has you attention. Daddies big cock is bulgding in his night pants. Why do you think that is? Is it because its so sexy that his son and wife are laying here enjoying some feeding? 

ABDL Phone sex Mommy Feeds you her breast Milk.during sissy diaper play

I think its because my son is now an Adult diaper lover that is making daddy horny. His big cock head is sticking right up over his waistband as he leans down to give mommy a milky kiss. Oops? My big adult baby is now sucking on that mushroom! Daddy smiles and looks down.

This is just what he wants to happen. Suck daddies dick while mommy pats your padded ass. I might in snake a finger in your elastic bands and find that dirty butt hole. Mommy finger fucking you as you take more of that big daddy dick down you little mouth is so hot for mommykins! 

Buck back on my finger as I pump pump you even harder.    Mommy makes you cum all over in that diaper and all around her finger! Keep sucking on daddy’s dick as you moan and squeal around it. Look my dirty diaper boy making sure Daddy is satisfied! Your mommy is so proud. Sissy diaper humiliation and breast feeding Mommy Regina is here for all the ABDL play!

ABDL Lactating Mommy Regina

(855) 733-5746 ext 4416

Adult diaper lover babyacie and Abby take off that diaper.

Adult diaper loverAdult diaper lover Babyacie (i.e. Darren) and Abby take off that diaper. First, we started with a nice haircut. As long as we got to the final stages but we did need the superman cape. Getting rid of those curling locks of his. Fingers running through that nice soft hair. Wetting it down. Before the snip of the scissors took a those curling long locks to a sweet little boy cut hairstyle.

          Now, it is time for the cap. Going to dye his hair. Those curling locks are trimmed. It need a decoration. Practiced ease and care had the hair pulled through the cape in no time. Marking Babyacie. Gave him a red and blue “A” for Mommy Abby. He may have wanted a superman but Mommy Abby decided her boy needed to be marked in more than one way.

          While we waited on the timer to go off and wash out the colors is when the diaper got to come off so that Mommy Abby would be able to play his little penis. Taking the hole penis and balls into her mouth all at one time. Such a good boy to cum in mommy Abby.

          When the dye is about to fade Babyacie will be back to Mommy Abby’s shop for another dye job and then another lesson with the removal of the diaper.

          He does love his abdl phone sex. Yes, Babyacie does.


(855) 733-5746 ext 4152

ABDL Phone Sex Shares a Need for a Loving Mommy with Sissy Boys

abdl phone sexABDL phone sex falls into my wheelhouse as a sissy trainer. Adult babies and sissies share many characteristics. But the most central shared characteristic between the two would be me. Or a woman like me. Sissies and adult babies need a nurturing mommy like me. I love helping men understand and accept their alternative sides.

Sometimes, that might be a sissy femboy side. Other times it might be an adult baby side. My daughter’s friend is an adult baby. A rich boy who has all the furniture and items needed to live the adult baby life. He needed a babysitter. His regular babysitter left town for a family emergency. And my daughter offered me up. The money seemed too good, so like a fool, I agreed to babysit the adult diaper lover.

Although I love to nurture sissies, adult babies who enjoy pooping their diapers, make me want to shame them. This adult baby seemed pretty pathetic. I had to wonder what went wrong in his development. But I had to change his diaper. I mean he paid me well. So, I needed to change all his dirty diapers. He wanted to nurse from me too. I knew he would just be sucking on a tit because no milk has been in my tits for 15 years.

Mommy Will Nurse And Change You

The adult baby appeared very invested in the lifestyle. He needed me to change his diapers, feed him, dress him, bathe him and coddle him. But he paid for an ABDL babysitter, and he got one. A very nurturing, loving and patient mommy. Even if in my head I was thinking what a pathetic loser this rich boy must be, I never let on how I truly felt. I might never fully understand why a grown man wants to crap his pants, but if I am compensated well, I can be a sissy trainer or adult baby mommy.


Sissy Trainer Coraline

(855) 733-5746 Ext 4553

Sissy diaper humiliation for Adult Diaper Lovers

adult diaper loverSissy diaper humiliation calls are some of my favorite as a phone sex mommy.  I absolutely love talking in my sweet mommy phone sex voice, which gets guys addicted and coming back for more and more mommy phone sex calls. I love that I am able to sensually talk to my adult boys while also showing them some mean mommy phone sex when we get down to the humiliation. How do these calls go usually? Here are some examples.

Maybe I meet you out somewhere and notice you have a bulge sticking out of your diaper. I take you and tell you to come with me. I put you out the back of my car and start buckling you in the carseat as you protest you are an adult. I don’t listen though think you are just being a silly little boy. We get home and I tell you big boys need to go potty in the toilet, you are just being a little sissy aren’t you? Real men with real big cocks don’t wear any diapers now do they?

I guess you can’t help it that you have a little clitty in there.  Not all boys get blessed with enough cock to put a whole hand on.  Some of you boys are lucky if I can wrap my little finger around it. But you diaper lovers sure do love how secure it makes your little clitty and little peanuts feel when it’s wrapped so securely around you.

Whatever your type of fantasy is, especially the sissy, mommy, submissive, dominant, diaper, etc. types of role plays that are some of my absolute favorites.  I sure do love being mommy and taking care of you sweet boys and having some humiliating fun with you at the same time, hehe.  Can’t wait for our next call love, you know what to do.


1-(855)733-5746 ext. 4482

ABDL Phone sex with me your dirty mom, Melinda.

ABDL Phone sex

           ABDL Phone sex with me your dirty mom, Melinda. Now, I will tell you that I enjoy being able to clean your bottom. Patting your bottom, pulling the top of the diaper back to check to see if you have a wet tushy.

            Tushy is wet, you got a wet a tushy. Mommy needs to change your diaper. Grabbing the wet wipes, powder. Grabbing a few diapers. What will it be this time? Should we have dinosaurs, sesame, cars, or mickey? I think we should do dinosaurs. I like cera and little foot. 

            Taking off the soiled dirty diaper, I roll it up and tie it off. Setting it aside. Grabbing the wipe I spread your legs some more. I want to see your little penis. Make sure I can get it all nice and clean. Massaging the wet wipe over, lifting your pee-pee up.

            Legs up, lowering my head to you, licking your bottom. Nuzzling your balls. The wet wipe only does so much and Mommy likes to make sure you are nice and clean for your new diaper.

            Now that you are nice and clean, let’s get some powder on you and the diaper. As soon as I have the new diaper on you, I start stroking you threw the diaper. Feeling you get even harder. I want you to do number three in your diaper. Pressing in on you. Rubbing along you. Smiling as I make you cum in your diaper. I will leave you sit in it until I am ready to play with you and poopy diaper.

Goddess Melinda

1-855-733-5746 ext 4942

ABDL Phone Sex Mom Loves Shaming Diaper Boys

abdl phone sexABDL phone sex I enjoy. I am a mother and a step grandma. In my life, I have changed a lot of diapers. I know how to take care of a baby adult size or younger, LOL. Although I do possess a nurturing side, I also have a low tolerance for losers. In my private life, I raised 6 successful, and self-sufficient sons and daughters. Two still live at home, but they function well on their own too. They do not demand much attention from mommy.

Which is good, because the younger step grand angels I am raising take a lot of my attention and energy. Young ones drain my bank account too. So, I dabble as an escort and stripper. Most of my escort clients appear to be normal, horny men who just want the company of a sexy mature lady occasionally. And others, I consider to be trainwrecks of men. Like mamas’ boys, and adult babies who need constant loving, nurturing and attention.

Sometimes, I am a Mean Mommy, and Sometimes a Loving One

Grown men in diapers? Not sure what I think, honestly. Part of me feels sorry for them and wants to fix whatever went wrong in their upbringing that makes them so needy for mommy’s attention. And yet the other part of me wants to give them a good dose of sissy diaper humiliation because it seems pathetic to be a grown ass man who wants to poop in his diaper and throw tantrums.

One of my escort clients considers himself an adult baby. But he did not prepare me. I expected one sort of client and arrived to find another kind. I felt over dressed for taking care of a man who appeared about 6’5 and sported a shit filled diaper at hello. Since he did not prepare me and he did not want to pay extra for the fetish out call, I had no choice but to shame him and leave him sitting in his own filth.

If you are an adult diaper lover, own up to and do not surprise your woman or in my case, your rent a mommy. Women like me charge extra to change a grown ass man’s poppy diaper. You are no man if you like to shit in your diaper on a first date.

Dirty Mommy Gianna

1-855-733-5746 Ext 4016

Adult diaper lover Mommy Elizabeth Loves Diapers

adult diaper lover

Adult diaper lover Mommy Elizabeth Loves Diapers. In fact I love everything about wearing diapers and being a little potty pants. Sometimes a man needs to be a cute baby boy with a mommy in diapers. I know for fact My oldest daughter loves when I become a little. My girl enjoys changing my shitty and piss filled ABU brand adult baby diapers.

I love when I am told to stay still so she can clean her mommy baby girl up. The feeling of releasing a nice big shit in my diaper is like nothing else. And sometimes when I am on the phone with a man he wants me to go before he goes in his own diaper! I happily oblige as I diaper myself up and play in my naughty messy pants. I have always been into pull ups and diapers as my secret fetish.

I love ABDL

I didn’t realize how many boys love ABDL phone sex! And Being the switch slut I am carries over into the abdl world. Mommy Elizabeth is just as happy in a daiper as she is in being and Adult diaper mommy! I can be mean or sensual , it all depends on the diaper brat on the other end of the phone! Do you love wearing pissy and stinky diapers? Need a milf who partakes in the little lifestyle sometimes?

Adult diaper lover Mommy wears diapers

Well you have came to the right place. Now stick your hands down your dirty diaper and let mommy take care of you. Mostly, I just love being a filthy dirty mommy whore with you. Can we get super dirty and nasty? No matter your diaper ink, mommy Elizabeth is here for you. Now go get your paci, and suck on mommy’s big milky tits! Get extra naughty with this ABDL female today!

* Elizabeth *

(855) 733-5746 ext 4464

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