Adult Baby Diaper Lover Tony caught wearing my girls diapers

Adult Baby Diaper LoverMy favorite Adult Baby Diaper Lover Tony, tried keeping his diaper fetish a secret! I had to find out for myself one day when I noticed his diapey hanging out of the backside of his denim… A part of me wasn’t too surprised at my finding… He used to sit after my daughter that was until I realized he was the one who needed a sitter.. I had always wondered why so many of my girl’s diapers would go missing whenever he was over but I never thought too much about it.

Well, I guess now I’ve found my answer!  Now that I know the truth about my handsome Adult diaper lover, I’ve decided to get him a box of his own… I swaddle him up and they both get in the crib together now when it comes nap time. Just this morning he left me a very stinky diaper, It was such a pleasure to clean his bottom with a warmed cloth, followed by me blowing raspberries on his itsy bitsy cock.

  I always make sure to apply a fair amount of desitin to that nice soft ass of his to prevent him from getting any rashes… I get in there nice and deep, slowly dragging my finger in and out of his shit hole so he doesn’t suffer from any bowel movement. He calls me his Dirty mom!

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