ABDL phone sex falls into my wheelhouse as a sissy trainer. Adult babies and sissies share many characteristics. But the most central shared characteristic between the two would be me. Or a woman like me. Sissies and adult babies need a nurturing mommy like me. I love helping men understand and accept their alternative sides.
Sometimes, that might be a sissy femboy side. Other times it might be an adult baby side. My daughter’s friend is an adult baby. A rich boy who has all the furniture and items needed to live the adult baby life. He needed a babysitter. His regular babysitter left town for a family emergency. And my daughter offered me up. The money seemed too good, so like a fool, I agreed to babysit the adult diaper lover.
Although I love to nurture sissies, adult babies who enjoy pooping their diapers, make me want to shame them. This adult baby seemed pretty pathetic. I had to wonder what went wrong in his development. But I had to change his diaper. I mean he paid me well. So, I needed to change all his dirty diapers. He wanted to nurse from me too. I knew he would just be sucking on a tit because no milk has been in my tits for 15 years.
Mommy Will Nurse And Change You
The adult baby appeared very invested in the lifestyle. He needed me to change his diapers, feed him, dress him, bathe him and coddle him. But he paid for an ABDL babysitter, and he got one. A very nurturing, loving and patient mommy. Even if in my head I was thinking what a pathetic loser this rich boy must be, I never let on how I truly felt. I might never fully understand why a grown man wants to crap his pants, but if I am compensated well, I can be a sissy trainer or adult baby mommy.
Sissy Trainer Coraline
(855) 733-5746 Ext 4553