I had a really awesome call the other day with an adult diaper lover. He told me that he would love for me to set up an over-sized crib in my living room. He said that it would be awesome to put in the crib and made to stay there during whatever party I’d like to throw. I decided that it would be fun to throw him a birthday party. But instead of everyone coming over and leaving him presents, we would do something much different than that. See, I wanted to do a little role play.
He was at the age that he really should not be wearing diapers anymore. Boys who are not potty trained don’t get to have cake and presents and they certainly don’t get to play any party games – well, not the usual ones, anyway. No, instead all of the party guests stand around and point and laugh when he starts going pee-pee in the diaper. It got so much more fun and if you want me to tell you about it, you know how to make that happen. I can’t wait to hear from all of you adult diaper loving boys. There is always so much fun to be had with you, so let’s play now!