Celebrating Pride Month and My Adult Diaper Lover Son

adult diaper loverThis adult diaper lover mom is proud of her sissy son. This is Pride month and I love my offspring. I have twins. Fraternal twins. A girl and a boy. My son is more girly than my daughter. They look like sisters, however. I was sad that we could not go celebrate Pride month this year. The Covid virus cancelled the parade, but I decided we would have our own celebration. I love my sissy boy. I let him be who he wants to be. He likes to wear panties. He craves feminization. He loves to suck cock. Occasionally, he enjoys wearing diapers and doing some age regression play with mommy. I have no problem with any of it. If my boy wants to be an adult diaper lover, I will change his diaper and nurse him. I think it is important to be true to yourself. To celebrate your uniqueness. In honor of Pride month, we through a house party. Now, it could not be a huge party because of the virus, but I was able to invite enough people that my sissy boy could get a lot of cum. When he sucks cock, his little clit stick oozes excitement. I bet yours does too. A mother just knows when one of her offspring is different. I knew my boy was a sissy when he was knee high. He had more interest in mommy’s pretty things, his sister’s Barbie dolls and make-up than his Legos or Matchbox cars. I nurtured his sissy side. He wore diapers way longer too than the average boy his age. At our Pride party, I had all sorts of pictures of my sissy boy dressed up over the years, even some of him in diapers. He was wearing a pair of rainbow diapers to show his pride. Everyone in my family is proud of our adult diaper lover. And we celebrated with fruity drinks, club music and lots of cum. Happy Pride Month. With this mommy, your can be yourself free of judgment.

adult diaper lover

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