This kind of abdl phone sex is only for very good babies cus only good boys like you deserve a sweet, nice mommy! Bad boys get punished harshly, good boys get treats and special days out and lots of cuddles with Mommy too. Little Stevie is one of my best babies, he never steals my panties, he never plays with my naughty toys unless I say it’s ok and he never, ever talks back to me. That’s why I spoil him rotten, I go see him every day and he is never crying or whining! He gets so happy when he sees me cus he knows that the very first thing I am going to do is give him a nice warm bath. He knows that I will wash his lil peepee with a nice soft cloth and when it gets all hard for Mommy, I always give it special kisses! I always suck his lil peepee till it squirts cus I just adore his little boy milk, it tastes so yummy! Then its time to get out of the tub and get all dried off with a nice fluffy towel before I pop him into a nice fresh diaper and warm jammies. My lil Stevie loves feeling all warm and safe and snuggly so I always make sure to give him plenty of cuddles, I even breastfeed him like a good mommy should. Most of the time lil Stevie falls asleep on my lap, I swear he does it on purpose just so I won’t get up and leave while he’s asleep! He knows that he is much too big for me to pick up anymore so when he passes out I am stuck for his whole nap… but honestly I wouldn’t change it for anything cus I love our special time together too!