ABDL phone sex

ABDL phone sex

My daughter is engaged to a pathetic little fucker! I went over to her place today thinking she would be there, however it was just her little fiancé. He opened the door and I caught him wearing a diaper! I barged right in and could not stop laughing.

I asked him if he was hungry so I could give him some milk. He is the biggest diaper wearing pansy ever. I let him suckle on my tits making me cum down my legs with each suck of milk from my mommy titties. He smelt stinky so I went ahead and layed him on his back so I could clean his bum.

I powdered his butt cheeks and decided to clean off his wittle cock with my mouth. I sucked him until he wanted to squirt his itty bitty jizz load into my mouth. He loved having my mommy mouth sucking his sweetie cock off. Time to have playtime!

I am going to teach him how to play with mommy’s soaking wet pussy hole now. His fingers are going to go deep and hard inside of me and he is going to fuck my sloppy wet pink pussy hole nice and fast!

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