Category Archive: Sweet mommy phone sex

ABDL Phone Sex Women Love to Be Sweet Mommies

abdl phone sexABDL phone sex women can treat you like the big baby boy you want to be. As a sissy mom, I get my share of ABDL phone calls too. Older women make excellent surrogate mommies. I have changed my share of diapers in my life as the mother of five. When Davis called me, he told me he had a poopy diaper. At first, I thought he expected me to laugh at him. But I am more of a sensual, loving mommy. And he appreciated the mommy approach I took with him.

He appeared to be a normal man who likes to age play sometimes. His wife does not understand him, but wives rarely do. That’s why I am a phone sex mommy. I want to provide boys with the mommy experience that they yearn for. And Davis got the sweet mommy treatment. I removed his stinky diaper, cleaned up his bum and gave him a bath. Bath time with my little ones, I miss daily. I love washing hair. The smell of baby shampoo intoxicates me. Young ones smell so fresh and clean.

I am a Sweet Mommy Who Adores Men in Diapers

Davis and I played in the tub for a while. After I cleaned him all up, I put him in a fresh diaper. But I did use some baby powder and Destin to avoid chaffing.  He seemed hungry. So, I breast fed him. I love breastfeeding. It always aroused me. But this session was about Davis. He needed a loving, nurturing and caring mommy. And that’s what he got with me. Just like all my offspring got too.

If a baby boy acts sweet and loving, I give that same energy back. But if a boy acts bratty and defiant with mommy, well he gets that energy back too. I specialize in sweet mommy phone sex. So, if you are a good boy, mommy will change you, bathe you and even feed you too.

Sexy Mommy Nicolette

(855) 733-5746 Ext 4407

Adult Diaper Lover Watches a Mommy Take Care of Her Son In Every Way

I love my days with my adult diaper lover friends. Sometimes I hang out just to obeserve and learn.

I watched one of my diaper lovers with their mommy recently. Once everything was securely fastened up again, Mommy picked my little friend up into her arms like a little small bird learning how to fly for the first time; cradling  close as if nothing had happened just moments ago. She rocked back and forth while singing soft lullabies that only served to heighten both of your arousals even more so than before . “There now,” she whispered into your ear , “all better.”

As if sensing how turned on by this entire experience, Mommy leaned forward planting small kisses along neckline leading down towards nipples which were hardening underneath onesie . Her hand found its way inside onesie from there too , massaging gently until both of you were left panting heavily . “That’s my good boy,” she purred between kisses . “Always making Mommy proud.”

With one last look of adoration into your eyes ,Mommy stood up and scooped you up bridal style carrying towards her bedroom where things would get even more intense . As soon as they reached their destination ,she laid down on the bed pulling you on top of her chest so that your face was level with hers . Her hands roamed freely over your body once again – undoing buttons, zippers, and finally revealing a fully erect cock straining against onesie fabric.

“Oh my,” she breathed out softly before taking it into her mouth without hesitation; sucking greedily like a newborn at its mother’s teat. You moaned loudly into the darkness as waves upon waves of pleasure coursed through every inch of your being ; each swirl around tip sending shockwaves straight to core . Meanwhile ,her free hand found its way back down towards diaper area rubbing light circles against sensitive skin until both of you were on the brink once again . When she finally pulled away ,she whispered huskily into your ear : “You’re such a good boy for me.” And with that final word ,she guided you inside her waiting warmth; their bodies moving together in perfect harmony as if they had been doing this forever .

As morning light began to filter through cracks around curtains signaling end to their intimate encounter ,Mommy held onto you tightly one last time before pulling out from underneath and tucking both of you back into bed. She kissed your forehead softly saying,”Sleep tight my love” before leaving room silently closing door behind her -leaving behind only memories (and possibly some telltale stains)of their taboo yet incredibly passionate night together.Adult diaper lover

Mommy Susan- Nasty Milf

1-855-733-5716 ext. 4212

Adult diaper Lover boys need a strict But Sweet sexy mommy!

Adult diaper loverAdult diaper Lover boys need a strict mommy! Mom Regina’s’ big lactating tits are the perfect distraction for your diaper chastity punishment!

Oh, how the boys whimper and fidget in their diapers, yearning for Mom Regina’s loving attention. If only they knew what awaits them when they return to her, each one of them longing for an extra dose of maternal discipline.

Adult diaper Lover

A primal instinct takes over as Mommy’s eyes glint with a twisted pleasure. She prowls towards the naughty boy, her hand raised high and ready to strike.

ABDL phonesex spicy sweet Lactating mommy punishes and soothes!

With a loud crack, her palm connects with his cushioned tushie, leaving a burning red mark that only fuels her desire for ABDL domination. The pain is intense but he can’t help but crave more, as her soft yet aggressive hands continue to deliver pleasurable punishment.

When you’re done with your spanking, Mommy will carry you to the cozy bed, where she’ll sing her favorite lullaby. As she gently rocks you, you’ll feel the softness of her embrace, the warmth of her body close to yours, and the comfort of her strong arms. Her scent of lavender and baby powder will soothe your nerves and help you drift off into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Be my baby boy in padded diapers and let me take care of you a way a milky mommy should!

In your dreams, you’ll find her again, waiting with open arms and a smile that could light up the darkest night. And you’ll know that, no matter what, Mommy will always be by your side, loving you and taking care of you, just the way you need her to.My ABDL phone sex is a spicy sweet mixture for my big boys in diapers! Mommy Regina is here for Your diapered tushie needs!

ABDL Lactating Mommy regina

(855) 733-5746 ext 4416

Mommy Susan and Her ABDL Phone Sex Fun Times

We had a fun ABDL phone sex diaper experience last night.As we made our way back to your place, I couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement. The idea of taking care of an adult baby like you was something that really turned me on. When we got inside, you immediately crawled over to your crib and started cooing like a little one in need of attention. It was adorable!

I picked you up gently, cradling you in my arms as if you were an actual little one. ABDL phone sex. Your tiny body felt so light against mine, and the scent of powder from your diaper filled my nostrils. You looked up at me with those big innocent eyes, trusting me to take care of all your needs – including changing that wet diaper.

I laid you down on the changing table and began undoing the tabs on your dirty diaper. The smell intensified as I pulled it away from your body revealing a thick layer of pee-soaked material underneath. I couldn’t help but notice how hard your little cock was poking out against your plump belly button; it seemed even more prominent than usual today!

Carefully wiping away every last drop from between those soft cheeks, I took extra time cleaning around that sensitive area just for kicks (and giggles). Once everything was nice and clean again, it was time for some fresh new protection – or rather old fashioned cloth onesies these days since latex isn’t recommended anymore due health reasons .

After slipping one onto overheated form , adjusting snugly around waistband hips thighs calves an k, I picked up a soft powder puff and dusted some talcum onto your little bum. The feeling of the cool powder against my skin sent shivers down my spine as I imagined what it would feel like to be taken care of in such an intimate way.

As I finished dusting you off, you let out a content sigh that made me smile ear-to-ear. “There we go,” I said gently, “all nice and dry now.” You looked up at me with those big eyes again, almost as if asking for more attention or maybe even something else entirely…


Mommy Susan- Nasty Milf

1-855-733-5716 ext. 4212

Any Adult Diaper Lover, I Will Welcome

adult diaper loverAre you an adult diaper lover? I hope so because I love a big baby boy. When I was on stage at my local gentleman’s club last year, I met a rich guy with a fetish. He likes to wear diapers and act like a big baby boy. Sound like you? However, his wife just does not get the fetish. Many wives don’t. But I do. I have been in the adult industry for almost 30 years. So, I have seen a lot of things.

When I was in the VIP room with Wayne, I could see the diaper. And I gave him the best sweet mommy phone sex treatment. At the time, I did it for the money. I knew he wanted a mommy to love and take care of him. But our relationship extended out of the club. He hired me as his occasional mommy. About once a month I go to his place, and we play mommy.

However, I do not fuck him. This is not a mommy sex sort of relationship. Well, it is a mommy son relationship but no sex. I change his diaper. And I bathe him and feed him. We play games too. He is just a big baby boy who needs a mature mommy figure in his life. I think all men need that if they are being honest. Perhaps you do too? I love being a mommy. And I will be your sweet loving mommy. No shame in wearing diapers. None. You will be loved, nurtured and well cared for with me.

Dirty Mommy Gianna

(855) 733-5746 Ext 4018

ABDL Phone Sex with My Adult Baby Daughter

abdl phone sexDo you enjoy ABDL phone sex? I know I do. But maybe not for the same reasons. My daughter dabbles in the lifestyle. She is not a full-time adult baby. However, she became a mom twice before she could legally drink. And I think sometimes she just wants to be dependent on me again. Some days she does not want two angels dependent on her. And I get it. Motherhood can be stressful.

Even when you have a good support system, it can still be stressful. So, I enjoy alleviating some of that stress for her by letting her be a big baby girl again. And last night she needed a break from reality. And I was there to help my ABDL female daughter. Just like I enjoy helping you guys take a break from reality and go back into time when you had no pressure and no one relying on you.

Do You Need an Adult Diaper Mommy

First, I gave my daughter a feeding. She likes to pretend like she is nursing again. And I never mind her sucking on my tits. Loved it when I had milk in my boobs still too. After her feeding, we took a bath. We are both slender, so we fit in my bathtub together. I use the old Johnson and Johnson’s products on her. She smells so good afterwards. After the bath I put her in a clean diaper, and we play games like Leggos and building blocks. And I read to her too.

I love being her mommy when she acts like a big baby girl and when she acts like a 24-year-old too. My son is straighter laced. I love him too, but he would never suck on a pacifier and where diapers. Not even for money, LOL. And the truth is that I miss being a mother to super young ones again. So, maybe I can be your phone sex mommy?

Sexy Mommy Victoria

1-855-733-5746 Ext 4229

ABDL Babysitter blows raspberries on widdle babyman cockette

ABDL BabysitterGood boys need a Sweet ABDL babysitter…  A woman like me understands your urge for diapers and the need to feel like a momma’s boy forever, and ever! I don’t think boys ever truly grow up… After all, it is us women who tend to you boys day in and day out. Which is why I prefer my boys in diapers… I love the idea of being able to have a baby man who waddles around and needs to rely on me, forever! From feeding to diaper changes, and even learning how to stroke that little nubby.

Hehe, Come here boy! Don’t be shy… I can smell you from here… Phew! Momma is going to lay you down on the diaper changer and unstrap your diaper… I know you love it when momma plays peek-a-boo with your wiener. Especially when I get my Adult Baby Diaper Lover all washed up and smelling fresh and then I blow raspberries on your nubby. I bet after a long day, you are so hungry… Aren’t you?

My Big lactating tits will fill that belly of yours… While feeding momma is going to reach into your diaper and relieve you. So my sweet lover boy can take a nice nappy! Latch onto my hard pink nipples and gnaw away into night-night land… After you and I have so much fun on our playdate you won’t be able to resist nodding off any longer… Momma is going to rock you to sleep while singing lullabies to my Adult diaper lover.

ABDL Mommy Brielle

(855) 733-5746 ext 4551

ABDL Phone Sex is in a Sissy Trainer’s Wheelhouse Too

adbl phone sexABDL phone sex is in the wheelhouse of a sissy trainer. I get lots of calls for adult babies. And they appear to have many similarities. As a mother, I know how to change diapers and take care of helpless little things. Even though I mostly train sissies to suck cock and look like princesses, I do have a few ABDL clients too.

Baby Brian is a new sissy in my life. But he is not straight sissy. He does like sucking cock. However, he prefers to suck dick while in a diaper and a bonnet. At first, I struggled finding him some cock. Most of the studs in my circle want a pretty looking femboy to skull fuck. However, Baby Brian in a blue bonnet and Sesame Street pull-ups? Well, it did appear harder to find him a cock to suck.

However, it was not impossible. I found one of my studs willing to let an adult diaper lover suck his ten-inch cock like it was a big bottle filled with milk. In a way it was, LOL.  When Eddie came over, he dick slapped Baby Brian and made him beg for his feeding. Oh boy did he stink up his diaper too. I guess the excitement over finding a big baba to suck made him not only lose his mind, but lose control of his bowels too.

Baby Brian got pumped full of yummy cummies. And of course, this mommy needed to clean up his messy diaper. But I love my messy diaper boys and my sissy boys.

Sissy Trainer Coraline

(855) 733-5746 Ext 4553

ABDL Phone Sex Makes Mommy Trisha Happy

abdl phone sex
ABDL Phone Sex Makes Mommy and Baby Very Happy

ABDL phone sex reminds me of why I became a Mommy. Sweet boys like you that just need to be taken care of make mommy so happy. I even love it when I hear my baby crying in the other room. My cute baby fussing in his diapey. I just have to come in and cuddle up with my baby and push one of my full tits into your mouth. Mommy’s juicy, soft tit has a hard nipple for you to latch on to. I want you to milk that boobie while mommy rubs your tummy.

sweet mommy phone sex Sweet Mommy Phone Sex for the Sweetest Little One

That’s when I notice that my sweet baby has a full diaper. “Is that why you were so whiney? Did you need mommy to come and change you?” I rub my hand down to that diapey and give it a quick squeeze. It looks like baby went #2 in his diaper. Let’s clean up that stinky mess and get you nice and clean. I lay my stinky baby down and open up that diaper. There is a sticky mess. Mommy grabs the wipes and starts to clean all that mess off of you. When all the poopy is gone, I go and grab a new diaper to change you into.

When I come back, it looks like you got a little excited. Well I can’t change you into a new diaper if you’re just going to make another mess. My soft hands wrap around your cock and gently massage you. You start to whine and suck your thumb. You’re being a little more difficult than usual, so I have to give you a thorough milking. I push my thumb gently inside of that baby bumhole and remind you how much mommy loves you. That’s when I start to see the cummies leaking from your cock. Good job baby.

Mommy Trisha

(855) 733-5746 ext 4420

ABDL phone sex With Milky tits and perverted Milf regina

ABDL phone sexABDL phone sex Milky Momma knows sometimes boys in pampers need a pervert! A mommy who isn’t afraid of a little shit and piss. The type that will give you laxatives and fiber until you push out a big nasty stinky mess for me! Baby Bottles full of Mountain dew to make a nice dark yellow wee-wee in pampers for me! Dirty boys who play in soft shit and jack off are welcome at my house of Mommy care. Breast milk added to your regime will make you have those neon green shits running up your back!

Full pissy diapers do not contain your baby boy shit very much do they? Even the plastic pants taped do little to prevent a big mess. Leaky dirty boy! You need mommy to nurse and clean you up! But first you better jerk in your shit as mommy tells you what a nasty pamper boy you are!

ABDL phone sex Milky Momma for dirty diaper changes

I am a mommy to a few adult diaper lover men, and I have changed ass from tot to elderly. Only with the big baby abdls I enjoy the mess so much more! The big bloated diapers, the man stench of your steak the day before. Come into Mommy Regina’s Nursery and feed your dirty side! How about a fresh clean diaper to start? Are you ready to explore your diaper and potty kink with me? Let’s have some fun and explore your naughty baby boy side together.

Adult diaper lover


(855) 733-5746 ext 4416

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