ABDL phone sex calls amuse me. Although I have a daughter who dabbles in the lifestyle, I find it odd sometimes that an adult wants to wear diapers and regress in age. With my daughter, I think she just enjoys being babied again. She enjoys being dependent on mommy for baths, meals and diaper changes. And I guess the same is true for men. However, men who love to shit their diapers to force a woman to change them, makes little sense to me.
My daughter has a friend from work who is an adult baby too. But he is more lifestyle than my daughter. He is a huge adult diaper lover. My daughter begged me to help him out. And since he paid me, I decided to visit him. And my daughter came along for the ride. She wanted to age regress with him. That ended up being a handful for me. But my son and daughter are only about a year and a half apart in age. So, I am used to having two who wear diapers at the same time.
Sometimes, Adult Babies Give Me a Run for My Money
My daughter is a good adult baby. She is less into soiling her diapers and more into being nurtured, fed and bathed. However, her friend only wanted to shit his diaper and act like a little brat. He gave me a run for my money. So, I gave him some bare bottom spankings. And I refused to put a clean diaper on him after he shit his way through the first three. He might have been the first bratty diaper lover I encountered.
But I am the mother. And adult babies need to act submissively to the mommy. Even a phone sex mommy like me. I got him to act better. Turns out he hates being spanked as much as he hates not wearing a diaper. He just needed some tough love to adjust his attitude.