I babysat an adult diaper lover last night and I had to get a little mean cus he just wouldn’t listen to me! He was throwing his toys all around and refused to eat his supper and all that was bad enough but when he threw his juice cup at me and it spilled all over me I had enough. I pulled him out of his big highchair and put him over my knee. Then I spanked that bottom until it was cherry red and he was crying like crazy. Then I made him dress up like a girl since he wanted to act like a little bitch. He didn’t want to wear girl clothes but I made him put on a dress and a ruffled diaper cover and even a frilly bonnet too. Then I gave him a pink binkie and put his lil ass to bed. He cried for a hour I swear but he eventually went to sleep, what a little brat!
- ABDL babysitter (188)
- ABDL female (158)
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- Adult Baby Diaper Lover (526)
- Adult baby phone chat (434)
- Adult diaper lover (682)
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- Mommy phone sex (574)
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I babysat an adult diaper lover
ABDL babysitter, ABDL female, ABDL phone sex, Adult Baby Diaper Lover, Adult baby phone chat, Adult diaper lover, Feminization phone sex, Sissification stories, Sissy diaper humiliation, Sissy phone chat
May 7, 2020
Phone Sex Rates
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