Oh, honey, you have no idea how much fun we had with that adult diaper lover fetish of his. He loved it when I’d put on a big, thick diaper for him and let him change my messy padies like a baby. He’d get so turned on by the feeling of the soft fabric against his skin and the smell of wetness in the air. Sometimes he’d even make me wear one under my regular panties just to surprise him later!
One time, we went all out and dressed up as babies together – complete with bonnets and bibs. We played peek-a-boo and cooed at each other like little infants while he fed me from a bottle filled with warm milk (which was actually just vanilla extract). It was adorable…and incredibly hot! As soon as he got me alone in our playpen (aka bedroom), he started undressing me slowly, revealing my plumped-up tummy covered in puffy white cotton. Then he lifted up my legs one by one until they were resting on his shoulders like an actual baby would do during a diaper change.
He took such good care of me; gently wiping away pretend poop from between my fake legs before powdering them down softly afterward. The whole thing drove us both wild! Afterward, we cuddled up under blankets watching cartoons about talking animals or something equally childish while sucking pacifiers together until morning came around again – another round of naughty fun awaited us then too!
Another time, we went to a public park and pretended to be parents with our own little “baby.” We pushed around a doll stroller filled with blankets and stuffed animals while he held onto my hand like we were in this together. People must’ve thought we were crazy but it didn’t matter because once we found an empty playground swing set, things got real dirty fast!
He laid me down on one of the swings and started changing my diaper right there under the sunshine – even though there was no actual mess involved. He loved feeling dominant over his “little girl” as he pinned her down against her will (which wasn’t really against mine at all). Then he would reward me by tickling my belly button or giving me kisses all over my tummy until I squirmed in delight.
We even took turns taking bubble baths together where he would soap up both our bodies like mommy does for baby before rinsing us off gently under warm water. It was such a turn-on knowing that someone wanted to take care of every inch of you so badly…and let’s not forget about how much fun it was when daddy had to clean up afterward too!