Category Archive: Submissive phone sex

Adult Diaper Lover Mommy Susan Loves Getting Her Diaper Lovers Off

adult diaper loverOh, honey, you have no idea how much fun we had with that adult diaper lover fetish of his. He loved it when I’d put on a big, thick diaper for him and let him change my messy padies like a baby. He’d get so turned on by the feeling of the soft fabric against his skin and the smell of wetness in the air. Sometimes he’d even make me wear one under my regular panties just to surprise him later!

One time, we went all out and dressed up as babies together – complete with bonnets and bibs. We played peek-a-boo and cooed at each other like little infants while he fed me from a bottle filled with warm milk (which was actually just vanilla extract). It was adorable…and incredibly hot! As soon as he got me alone in our playpen (aka bedroom), he started undressing me slowly, revealing my plumped-up tummy covered in puffy white cotton. Then he lifted up my legs one by one until they were resting on his shoulders like an actual baby would do during a diaper change.

He took such good care of me; gently wiping away pretend poop from between my fake legs before powdering them down softly afterward. The whole thing drove us both wild! Afterward, we cuddled up under blankets watching cartoons about talking animals or something equally childish while sucking pacifiers together until morning came around again – another round of naughty fun awaited us then too!

Another time, we went to a public park and pretended to be parents with our own little “baby.” We pushed around a doll stroller filled with blankets and stuffed animals while he held onto my hand like we were in this together. People must’ve thought we were crazy but it didn’t matter because once we found an empty playground swing set, things got real dirty fast!

He laid me down on one of the swings and started changing my diaper right there under the sunshine – even though there was no actual mess involved. He loved feeling dominant over his “little girl” as he pinned her down against her will (which wasn’t really against mine at all). Then he would reward me by tickling my belly button or giving me kisses all over my tummy until I squirmed in delight.

We even took turns taking bubble baths together where he would soap up both our bodies like mommy does for baby before rinsing us off gently under warm water. It was such a turn-on knowing that someone wanted to take care of every inch of you so badly…and let’s not forget about how much fun it was when daddy had to clean up afterward too!

Mommy Susan

1-877-733-5746 ext. 4212

ABDL Phone Sex Boys Get the Mean Mommy Treatment with Me

abdl phone sexAbdl phone sex boys are not much different from sissy boys. They both appear submissive to a mature sexy woman. And they both just crave attention from mommy. However, I often treat the two types of men differently. For example, I lean towards nurturing sissy boys. Helping them become the best sissy version of themselves they can be. And I rarely shame or humiliate them unless they get unruly or disobedient with me.

However, with an adult baby, I tend to shame and humiliate them. A grown man in diapers shitting himself just so I will change him? Someone like that needs humiliation not love. I get that an adult diaper lover wants a loving mommy. And perhaps they can find that. But not with me. I find it pathetic that a grown man wants to sit in a wet or poopy diaper until a sexy mom changes him.

Grown Men in Shitty Diapers Deserve Humiliation

So, I am the wrong mommy to approach for changing your diaper. When I met Mark, I did not know he had a diaper on at first. But when the smell hit me, I knew. And I went into mean mommy mode. I laid in to him for being a pathetic loser. I thought he might cry. He came to me for sissy training, not diaper changing. The bag he came over with, I assumed was a sissy bag full of clothes and dildos. But it appeared to be a big diaper bag.

So, I burned his diapers in the fireplace so he would be forced to sit in his filth while I shamed him. I mean how pathetic do you have to be to shit in a diaper when you are 45 years old? No way will I look or touch a grown man’s shit. So, he had to go home smelling putrid. What a fucking loser. Sometimes, a guy just needs mean mommy phone sex to learn a lesson.

Sissy Trainer Coraline

(855) 733-5746 Ext 4553

Adult Diaper Lover Boys Welcome with This Sweet Mommy

adult diaper loverAre you an adult diaper lover? I am a sweet mommy. And a mommy who misses having little ones around dependent on me for their every need. My youngest offspring are teenagers. So, they no longer require me to feed them, change them or bathe them. And my daughter knows that I miss being a hands-on mommy. So, she introduced me to her friend Billy. He loves to wear diapers. However, he cannot tell his wife that. According to him, she would freak out.

So, I agreed to be his sweet mommy once a week. In our time together we get both of our needs met. I get to nurture another little one. And he gets the sweet mommy phone sex he craves. Wives do not understand most kinks and fetishes. They either think their husband is gay or a pervert or both. But adult babies are different from cock sucking sissies. Adult babies just like to go back to that time when mommy loved them and cared for them.

Let Mommy Feed, Bathe and Change You

Being an adult baby is more akin to being submissive to mommy. And ABDL boy wants to feel loved and cared for and nurtured again. It is about giving up power, and trusting a woman to take care of them just like mommy did many years ago. Maybe even better if their mommy did not nurture them well.

And I am a nurturer. So, when Billy came over Saturday night, I made sure to take care of him. We began with a feeding. Although I no longer have milk in my breasts, I can pretend. After a feeding, baby Billy got a bubble bath, and this phone sex mommy washed his hair and cute little body. And once my baby boy looked and smelled all clean, I put a new diaper on him and rocked him to sleep. Wives do not understand what they are missing. It feels great to have another person dependent on you.

If you need a sweet mommy, I would love to take care of you too.

Sexy Mommy Nicolette

(855) 733-5746 Ext 4407

Submissive phone sex is role reversal month.

Submissive phone sexSubmissive phone sex is role reversal month. December is supposed to be for all the good boys and girls. Not this year. It is role reversal month. Who was dominant? Submissive is what I am. As long as December is here, call me the dominant one.

Now I want you to be my sissy little boy. Maybe girl. Never know when it comes to me and what I will like tomorrow. In fact, I could change it up almost every minute. Tell me if you do like it.

On the negative side you might get a lump of coal. On the positive you will most assuredly get fucked by your submissive bitch that has become Domme. We go from submissive to Domination phone sex. One right after the next. Back again. Ride the fine line between the two.

Occasionally, you may very well put yourself in a diaper. Turning you into the sissy who likes to wear diapers. Have a little bow on it. What color is the ribbon? Will it be blue. No, not first place.

Maybe second place? Red. Oh you want the sissy colors which means your little pee-pee is like in 10th place to get the pink ribbon.

Shall we see?

Submissive Whore Venice

(855) 733-5746 ext 4806

Mommy Loves Her Adult Diaper Lover Big Boy

My sweet adult diaper lover, mommy loves you. adult diaper loverAs you walked into the nursery, you couldn’t help but feel a wave of nostalgia wash over you. The soft glow from the nightlight cast an ethereal pink hue across the room, and the gentle hum of your mother’s rocking chair filled the air. You knew what she would find when she checked on you – another accident in your diaper.

Mommy tsked as she entered the nursery, her eyes immediately drawn to the telltale wet spot on your diaper. “Oh dear,” she cooed, reaching down to feel how soaked it was. “Looks like someone had an accident.” She sighed softly before picking up a fresh change of clothes for you and heading towards your crib with purposeful strides.

Your heart raced as mommy lifted up your legs one by one and began removing your soggy pajama bottoms; exposing not only your messy diaper but also leaving little doubt about how aroused this whole scenario made you feel deep down inside. With practiced ease, she slid off that damp protection and tossed it aside before unfastening the tabs on a new, clean diaper. She gently spread your legs apart and positioned the fresh absorbent material between them, making sure to tuck in all corners snugly against your skin. Then came the powder – she dusted some onto her palms and rubbed them together before patting down your privates, ensuring there would be no irritation from chafing or rubbing against sensitive areas once dry.



1-877-733-5746 ext. 4400

Abdl Phone sex for a Young bitch

ABDL phone sex

ABDL phone sex for an incest brat has its quirks and sexy factors!!! Im your bby girl and you have put me in huggies and pull-ups because i as a bad girl. I waited far too long and peed on myself on the car ride home. I should have used the potty before I left school. Now my seat and clothes are nasty and wet. I cry that I am a big girl I wear panties, everyone will laugh at me at school! Please Daddy let me suck your pee-pee or let you eat me out, I promise not to tinkle again! But you are so mean, you give me a waxy bullet up my bum. Now I am going number one and number two in my diaper!  I feel so embarrassed and ashamed. Daddy don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I wish I was a baby again!

ABDL phone sex for an incest brat is so hot and nasty!


What dawns on me after a few days of coming home and having daddy change my butt is that my daddy is an Adult diaper lover. Seeing daddy get so hard from a pop and piss filled diaper clues me in that he has a fetish for young sluts in diapers. Because once he fucked me right in my mess! It was horrible, and daddy loved that I was disgusted and fought him.

Adult diaper lover daddy is so mean

But you must know soon I was wanting to carry around my shit and pee in a big saggy diaper. I loved how other people at school would crinkle noses and laugh. I loved knowing my daddies cum was mixing in my poop and pee all day long. Not only that, but I guess you can say my nasty daddy made me an ABDL female!!


(855) 733-5746 ext 4223

Adult diaper lover will be a good little sissy for sister

Adult diaper loverMy Adult diaper lover little bro looks so cute all sissied up. Also, he’s got a bit of a diaper fetish. I actually enjoy the play time with him too. It’s so cute when I sneak my head in his diaper and give his little guy a jerk. Sweet boy can cum really fast, I love to make his diaper all sticky first.

I make sure he only wears the cutest diapers. Plain diapers are for grannies, he needs the kind with cute cartoon characters on them. It’s even more fun when I get to put him in pink ones, I will also put a wig on him and some lipstick. He looks like such a little sissy slut, Daddy can’t help but join in on the fun.

Daddy really loves when he is in the pink ones. He just slides the diaper over and shoves his hog in my little brother’s ass. I love the way my little bro screams when Daddy slams that cock his bussy, just like a sweet little girl! I think it is the best when that little diaper slut is sandwiched between me and Daddy. He sucks my clit like a little pacifier.  I bet you have some pretty nasty Sissification stories too, we should share!


(855) 733-5746 ext 4185

ABDL Phone Sex with Big Sister Calli Instead

ABDL phone sex Mommy’s always want to take care of their babies, but sometimes they have too much on their plate. That’s why you have a big sis like me. I know how important it is for you to have a fresh clean dipey. You throw a tantrum when you see that it’s me instead of Mom. I have to be extra careful and playful to calm you down. So it’s time for the tickle monster. I rub my fingers all over that ticklish tummy until your giggling and laughing instead. Then I ask really nicely if I you want help with your diaper.ADBL Phone Sex

It’s Time For a Fresh Diaper

You give me your permission and roll over onto your back. I undo your diaper and I was so right. There is such a stinky mess here honey. We can’t have that. I’ll make sure all the nastiness is cleaned up. I get the wipes and get you all cleaned up. Then I switch out the dirty diaper for a new clean one. I go to grab the baby powder to close up diapey time but I notice that my little brother is rock hard. I can’t close up the diaper like that. But I can handle it.

I lean my head over and blow a raspberry on you tummy. You giggle and I do another one. Then I give you a kiss on your cute cock. Your giggles become soft moans. But you’re still smiling. So I slide my brothers cock in my mouth. I focus on getting as much of your cock down my throat as possible. You put your little hands on my head, but you don’t push me down. The moans get louder. I pull your cock out of my mouth long enough to tell you it was ok to cum. You blew your load immediately. Now I have to clean you up again.

Big Sissie Calli

(855) 733-5746 ext 4166

Adult diaper lover Trudy loves messing in Diapers for you

Adult diaper loverAdult diaper lover Trudy here and I want t tell you why I love wearing diapers and playing with my ass and pussy in my diaper mess! It’s a wild sexy time with your age play slut wearing diapers for a daddy master, or a Dommy mommy! Look at my cute little diaper, I’m wearing! I just love lounging on my bed, surrounded by an assortment of plush toys and pacifiers. In front of me is a pile of used diapers, some have my nasty poo-poo and some are just pissy!


Adult diaper lover Trudy



Little Miss teen Trudy with a nasty booty, is content, reveling in the afterglow of a particularly intense play session.
To tell you the truth, I have always felt a pull towards diapers, ever since I was a little girl. The feeling of being completely enveloped in soft, crinkly fabric, the comforting weight of a wet and warm diaper between my legs, had always felt like serenity to me!


ABDL phone sex Teen

But it wasn’t until I discovered the online community of ABDL phone sex addicts that I truly embraced the Messy Diaper passion.With my webcam turned on and my laptop resting on her stomach, I am eagerly sharing a love for diapers with online followers. Showing off some cute diapers, decorated with cartoon animals, and describing in intricate detail the sensations of playing with my little ass and pussy while wearing them. Of course my viewers are enthralled, and I giggle at their reactions.


ABDL female


This isn’t just a kink or a fetish. It is a lifestyle. I love the feeling of the diaper against my skin, the softness of the fabric and the tickle of the plastic waistband. The feeling of being taken care of and taken care of. It’s a beautiful thing.  Whether it is a daddy master or a Dommy mommy, your teen ABDL female always ready to indulge in wild, sexy age play!

Lil Girl Trudy

(855) 733-5746 ext 4967

Adult Diaper Lover Fun Stay in the Family

adult diaper loverI know a female adult diaper lover and bottom bitch boy. My son and my daughter. Last night they came over for some fetish play. My girl wanted to wear a diaper, walk around the house topless sucking on her bottle. And my son wanted his mommy to peg his ass. I love that sometimes my offspring like to explore the fetish world. It can be so much fun. However, no one knows about our fetish fun expect the three of us and you.

My daughter became a mother young. She and her brother started fucking as teenagers, and that led to an incest pregnancy not once but twice. So, I understand why she likes to be an ABDL female sometimes. This mommy enjoys taking care of her big baby girl. We had a fun night. I gave each of them a bath just like I did when they both wore diapers the first time. My son is two years older than his sister, so they often bathed together.

I Love Age Regression Play and Diaper Lovers

Of course, now, all three of us cannot fit in the bathtub, but we can still rub a dub dub together. Our evening began with baths. I washed each of them up just like I did decades ago. Fed them macaroni with cut up hot dogs in it. Their favorite dish way back then. After dinner, we played with Legos. But before bedtime, we had some kinky fun. I pegged my son’s little boy ass pretending like daddy needed to punish his son for being naughty touching his pee pee.

While I punished his boy butt, he ate his sister’s diapered ass. He just pulled the soggy diaper to the side and licked up and down her pee soaked bottom and cunnie. Eventually, this phone sex mommy nursed them, put them both in clean diapers, tucked them into bed and red them a bedtime story. We do not have this kind of fun often, but when we do, I go all out to make my babies feel loved and cared for. A mommy’s job is never ending.

Dirty Mommy Victoria

(855) 733-5746 Ext 4229

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