ADBL phone sex is not just for men. There are many women and girls who love the ABDL lifestyle too. Sometimes, I talk to them, but mostly I meet them through my daughter. She is an adult baby. She is not full-time one, but she does dabble in the lifestyle. She joined a fetish group of other adult babies. She has made some friends. One of her fellow diaper loving female friends came over the other night. I had double diaper duty! These girls were feeding off each other. I was a hard working mommy with two girls wanting fed and needing diaper changes. They would drink and piss, eat and shit, then it was repeat. I want to be a nurturing mommy, but they were taking advantage of me. I am a loving mommy to an extent. Once I was on the fourth diaper change in an hour, I put them in a time out. They could either break out of baby mode and change their own damn diapers or stew in their own dirty diapers. I will encourage an adult diaper lover to an extent. So, I am sweet mommy Victoria in the beginning, but I am mean mommy once it goes too far.