Awww I love when my little ABDL phone sex boys come over for a visit. It’s the humiliation for me, and I do anything and everything I can to be a mean fucking mommy. When my little diaper boy showed up at my front door, I knew he wasn’t in a fresh nappy yet but I forced him inside anyway. He was squirming, and told me he’d really needed to pee pee the entire taxi ride out to my place.
Well that just made Mommy’s pussy so nice and wet! I made my little adult baby strip down, and I watched him pathetically try and dance. Not only was his little penis so small I knew it would never be used to pleasure any lady anywhere but the pure humiliation for having to ask his ABDL Phone Sex Mama to use the potty. Well I refused and forced him out into the leaves naked as the day he was born. My baby was shivering in the chilly wind, and it made his little nipples into hard little pebbles.
I forced him to his knees in the leaves and pinched his little nipples. He whined out and begged me to please let him go pee pee inside. I could tell, as he started to desperately roll around in the leaves, that he really really needed to use the potty. My neighbors were driving by, and I sent a friendly wave as they snapped pictures of my nasty little ABDL Phone Sex addict. I told him if he could hold it for ten minutes, I’d let him use the big boy potty and then put him in a fresh and clean diaper. Well I was fucking lying through my horny Mommy teeth.
I was going to make him have an accident outside for his insolence, and then I’d take him inside to force his regression and make him completely dependent on me. It was only six minutes in when he began to whine. “I can’t hold it Momma! Please let me go pee pee!” He was dancing and holding his little penis, and I was only growing wetter and wetter. In case you didn’t know, Omorashi is a secret fetish of Mommy’s. I was going to make my little baby wet himself. The humiliation would keep him humble, and make him remember who he belonged to.

Dirty Mom Polly
(800) 270-5026 ext 820