Are you an adult diaper lover? As a mommy, I have changed my share of diapers. I thought my days of poopy diapers was over now that I am almost 50. Nope. Thanks to my oldest son who is an adult baby, I am still changing diapers. My boy toy second husband, who is younger than this son of mine from my first marriage, explained to me that I should be more accepting of his lifestyle choice. In fact, my husband built him an adult baby room filled with a crib, changing table and play pen. When he comes to visit now, mommy time is much different for him than for my other sons. I struggle with not shaming him 24/7. Here is a man who has a high ranking banking job. During the day he is in a suit and tie, but by night he is in diapers and sucking on a pacifier. Last night I was trying my best to be a sweet mommy. I bathed him, gave him a bottle, rocked him to sleep in the rocking chair. I even sang lullabies to him. He woke up screaming in the middle of the night. In my mind, I am thinking you are a grown ass man, get the fuck to the bathroom yourself. The other part of me is thinking something got messed up in his youth and I need to repair the damage by nurturing and loving him all over again. I could smell his shit before I got to his bedroom door. Changing a little one’s diaper is one thing, changing the diaper of your 32 year old son, is a different story. I sucked it up, changed his poopy diaper, for him to shit again 2 hours later. That time he got the mean mommy. I scolded him, called him a poopy princess and made him sleep all night in his soiled diaper. In fact, I left him in the crib all day. Went to relieve him of his punishment, to find he had smeared his diaper all over the wall. I clearly need Xanax and more wine to prepare myself for being an ABDL Mommy. Maybe I can practice with you?