Are you an adult diaper lover? You can tell mommy. I can keep your naughty secret. James is a friend of my oldest son. James was wearing diapers in high school. He was very discreet about it because high school boys and girls, wouldn’t understand a peer who shit and peed in his diaper. He still comes to visit me. He is a 32-year-old man now with a family of his own. I have been the only one who knows his dirty secret for over 15 years. I have changed his diaper more than his own mother. I am his secret diaper loving mother. When he visited last week, he looked sad. I asked James what was wrong. His wife found his stash of baby supplies. She freaked out. I had to talk to her, to show her what being an adult baby is all about. I have been doing ABDL phone sex for years mainly because of my experiences with James. He has been my big boy for a long time. He feels like my baby boy. He nurses from my breasts. I change his diaper when he makes a mess. I rock him to sleep. I even give him a bottle. I met with his wife, so she could watch what we do. I explained to her that her husband wasn’t gay, nor was he a sissy. He just craves love and nurturing from a mommy type. James came from a bad home. No love or affection. I am simply fulfilling what was missing from his youth. Once she saw our routine, I think she realized that she could be a sweet mommy to her husband too. I hate to lose James as my adult baby, but I love helping my big babies to be open and honest about their ABDL lifestyle with their loved ones. There is no shame in needing a phone sex mommy to change your diaper and love you.