ABDL Phone Sex Mommy Changing Time

ABDL Phone Sex Mommy ABDL Phone Sex Mommy Is for the bad boy who needs a good cleaning and a diaper change. Mommy will make sure to wash you good and clean your peepee since you have made a mess on your diaper. I will make sure to make you feel special and good by playing with your little peepee. Cleaning you all over and good even on your little asshole I’ll make sure you’re clean inside and out. I’ll stick my soupy finger in there to make sure you’re clean, pumping my finger in and out of you while stroking your peepee.  You will feel soo good, you won’t be able to help it but cum from that little peepee, like a big boy would for mommy and when you’re all done, I will put on a fresh clean diaper on you, because you did good. Mommy will teach you how to lick her clean too from her pussy hole to her asshole. You will do as I say because you’re going to be a  good sissy boy.  

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