ABDL phone sex Mommy Milk

ABDL phone sex

    ABDL phone sex  with a lactating mommy!


I know what big adult diaper boys need. A mouth full of sweet mommy milk as I pump, pump that sweet little dickie poo! Cum suckle and let mommy stroke your pee pee,  baby!  My mommy tatas are full, and all you can think about when you look at them is how much you can milk out of these babies with your mouth! 


Many men love to suck a breast milk filled nipple and get a hand job, but you are special! You need to be diapers and coddled and put back into little space. 


I have kept my big mommy tits full of milk for about 7 years straight. After my last tit job they said I shouldn’t ever keep breast milk, but I had a daughter after that and thinking I couldn’t lose my milk, I kept it! 

I am happy to say that men lovingly enjoy them, and I have two regular diaper boys who need mommys tits juice! 


Adult diaper lover men need to be fed right from the tit! 


It’s no exaggeration that my mommy milk from both breasts will fill an adult baby boy’s tummy right up! Momma Regina is  okay with that, we all know how stinky breastfed brats shit is! I can change a diaper so fast, I have brats of my own. Trust me, my sweet diaper lover! All In all mommys titties is what you need, and  I’ve got lactation stories that would milk your dick so good!  Do you imagine what it would be like to be sucking at those full milky titties, your hot mouth nursing as that full breast fills your mouth with hot breast milk? Having a hot wet sissy baby boy mouth on my full breasts makes my pussy wet. My breasts are aching when they are full, beging for relief. A hot mouth suckling at my lactating tits is what you need to make mommy cums!

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