ABDL phone sex lover wants more naughty fun. Indeed, you want so badly to watch me fuck and suck cock. Sit back in that diaper while I get a real man’s cock in each of my tight holes. Isn’t it a perfect view? My hot pussy right on top of an erect cock. I’m taking every single inch deeper in my twat. I want it so much in my asshole and mouth. All I ever think about is real men with real juicy cocks. Those meat logs really know how to make me a complete addict. Why shall I ever quit whoring?
It may not be ladylike, but it’s a ton of fun to get around the block and fuck every single guy that has a big one. I honestly am all about size. When a short dick man has a clitty I want him in a diaper. That’s where you belong ultimately. Let’s see how great you will feel as I am living my great life as a slut. Fuck, it feels so good to be a whore.