Shitty Diaper ABDL phone sex

abdl phone sexMy new ABDL phone sex caller discovered that I can be a very mean mommy. He confessed to me that he enjoys humiliating himself by wearing dirty diapers. I don’t tolerate dirty diapers, as some of you know, and here I was with an adult baby who didn’t tell me when he wanted to change his diapers. I anticipate my babies whining or crying to alert me to the fact that I need to check their diapers or feed them. This little bugger remained silent. I had no idea why he seemed so relaxed when I was preparing lunch.

Shitty Diapers On Abdl Boys are perfect for humiliation from mommy!

Then I got a whiff of something. Oh, my goodness! His diapers were disgusting, filthy, filthy! A shifty filled diaper was all I could smell. It was disgusting because he’d been sitting in those filthy diapers for quite some time, and his feces had caked all over his little sweet tiny dickie! I was high on some good crystal and got in his Adult diaper lover face to tell him off! I had no intention of cleaning him myself. I ordered him to clean himself up by marching his filthy little ass into the tub. I poured bubble bath on his bad boy diaper messing body. Of course, as a dirty mom I didn’t leave him alone. I stood there watching him clean himself up in the tub, humiliating him the whole time. I chastised him and told him what a filthy scumbag he was. I laughed and took pictures on my phone. My big black bull would enjoy seeing his new cleaned up play thing. If shit can come out of that ass a big fat black cock can go in it! 

 Mommy Carmen can berate your filthy ass and clean you up Diaper boy! 

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