ABDL phone sex with a super slutty sissy is what me and my dirty mommy wanna do all night long together! The two of us get so fucking freaky and we seriously love having nasty sex with super horny diaper wearing bastards. Mommy has taught me everything that I know! She has always been such a great role model and loves getting extra skanky when we get to play with little sissy perverts! Mommy sure does know how to get their clits throbbing and give them the biggest orgasms ever! Look at this beautiful little pussy of mine and how it gapes the fuck open when I squat down and spread it open, hehe. Mommy puts our sissy underneath my slutty fuck holes and I push all of that cum that’s been blasted up inside of me down and out into our sissy’s mouth. We get so fucking turned on, it’s so naughty and it feels so good! Mommy always has the best adult diaper lover for us to have some fun with! She never lets me down and always has the dirtiest time while we fuck up a little sissy bitch!