Archive for ADBL phone sex

Adult Diaper Lover Gets Rewarded For Being a Good Little Boy

Adult diaper lover

I love my adult diaper lover callers. A recent call was so sweet. As I slip the soft, plush diaper under your legs and smooth it against your skin, I can’t help but feel a twinge of excitement. The feeling of power is intoxicating as I watch you submit to my every whim. Once it’s […]

This adult diaper lover was a very naughty boy

adult diaper lover

Oh this adult diaper lover was a bad bad boy! He made a huge mess of all my clothes, especially my panties and lacy pretty things. He left his toys out all over the floor and when I tried to feed him dinner and a bottle he flung that down on the floor too! Well, […]

R U “Boy” Enough for Reginas ABDL Phone Sex?

ABDL Phone Sex

I am the hottest when it comes to ABDL phone sex with mommy Regina’s little men. See my boys know that I raised a brood and I have so many extra diapers for them. I have the Swaddlers and the crawlers, oh and the big boy pull up kind! In fact, potty training is the […]