I love abdl phone sex because I simply adore being a dirty mommy and encouraging my little ones like you to do all kinds of naughty things. I will teach you how to lick mommy’s pussy and make me feel good, and in exchange I will make sure to suck that peepee the way you like it best! Doesn’t that sound like the best game ever?? I will make sure that you have all the stuff you need to be my best babyboy that you can be, you will have fresh diapers and nice warm footie pajamas to wear and Mommy will make sure that you have a paci to suck on too. Bedtime stories and cuddles will be next on the list and when you get all sleepy, I can give you my breast so you can drink my mommy milk until you finally fall asleep with a nice full tummy. Doesn’t all that just sound like heaven?? I know I can’t wait!