I Enjoy ABDL Phone Sex

abdl phone sexI love abdl phone sex. I am a fetish mommy and woman. A decade in the porn industry and many more years in the adult industry has exposed me to all kinds of kinks and fetishes, including adult babies. I sometimes feature dance at a local strip club here in Los Angeles. It is a high-end gentlemen’s club and features mostly retired porn stars, fetish models and up and coming porn ingenues. The men that frequent the club are financially secure. In my experience, with wealth comes predilections. Money can buy you anything, including a sissy or adult diaper loving mommy. Joey is a high roller at the club. He is in the entertainment industry and he is an adult diaper lover. He hires me for some ABDL fun a couple times a month. I live in a nice house, but his one room in his mansion for his fetish makes my place look like a trailer park. He modeled his baby room after Beyonce and Jay Z’s daughter’s room. He had all his furniture made for his body size. Wow. I was impressed. Fancy elaborate and self-absorbed. Princess Jo is what I call him when I am his fantasy mom. We play games. I read him books. I give him baths. I dress him girly and I change his diaper. I even bottle feed him and rock him to sleep. Perhaps, I would not do such things with a straight face if I were not paid well because Princess Jo is older than me. It makes me miss, however, those times with my little ones when they needed mommy the most. I am not saying I will not be a mommy to you. I do enjoy being a sissy mom or an abdl phone sex mommy. It does help that I get paid thought.


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