He was a naughty adult diaper lover

adult diaper loverHarry was a naughty adult diaper lover baby and so I had no choice, I had to punish him. I spanked his little bottom and then put him in a new diaper and dressed him up like a girl baby and boy did that make him mad. He threw a temper tantrum and kicked and screamed but he had no choice, he had to wear his lil dress and bonnet. He was being a little brat about it so I invited a few of my mommy friends over to help take turns spanking his lil bottom. Eventually he started to learn his lesson because he was quieter and more polite but I wasn’t finished with his punishment yet. I made him boom boom in his diaper and sit in it like a filthy little baby just for some added humiliation and I took lots of pictures too. Next time he is naughty I will make sure to show everyone!

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