I babysit for this guy, he likes to be the baby and wears diapers and everything! Honestly, it’s hilarious to see this grown ass man waddling around in his diaper babbling baby talk and acting all crazy but he’s rich as fuck so I just go with it yanno? Well, yesterday things went a little differently because he was acting like a total brat! He was throwing his toys around and refusing to drink his bottle and take a nap and I had had enough! I grabbed him and put him over my knee and spanked him hard but he just laughed! He had all that padding from his diaper so it didn’t even hurt so I decided to go a different way with it. I made him lay down so I could change him and while I had that diaper open I shoved a big but plug in his bottom! Then I made him dress up like a girl and took a bunch of pictures of him looking like a precious little baby girl. He was utterly humiliated and no he knows that I won’t take any of his crap!
- ABDL babysitter (192)
- ABDL female (163)
- ABDL phone sex (692)
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- Adult Baby Diaper Lover (532)
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- Adult diaper lover (690)
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He was a bad baby so I punished him!
ABDL babysitter, ABDL female, ABDL phone sex, Adult Baby Diaper Lover, Adult diaper lover, Sissification stories, Sissy diaper humiliation, Sissy phone chat, Sissy phone fantasy, Sissy phone sex
October 26, 2017
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