Do you enjoy ABDL phone sex? There is no shame in wearing diapers as an adult. Okay, there is some shame, but not if you have the right mommy to change you. I am a real mommy. I am a nurturer too. My sons and daughters are well beyond the diaper stage of life, but if any of them showed an interest in adult diapers, I would have no problem being a good loving mommy for them. My middle daughter has a friend who dabbles in the adult baby lifestyle. She asked me if I would spend some time with him and I agreed. He was not someone who dabbled though I soon discovered. He had a full nursery with very expensive equipment. He had a playpen, a crib, a rocking chair and all the equipment you would find in a nursery, just much larger. I was not sure I could help him long term. I do enjoy an adult diaper lover, but I have my own offspring and a job. This guy wanted me to move in and be his full-time mommy. I played house with him for a night and told him I would help him find a mommy who could move in. I have some fellow milf friends whose offspring are grown now, and who could use full-time employment. My daughter failed to mention that her adult baby loving friend was a millionaire. The lifestyle is expensive if you get custom made adult baby furniture like this guy. I had fun spending the evening with him. I am a loving mommy. I will change diapers, breastfeed, bottle feed and I will even talk baby talk. I am much better suited to be an ABDL phone sex mommy though because of my family. I can always use a another little one to take care of. Could that be you, honey?