ABDL phone sex mommy's Phone Sex Blog

ABDL Phone Sex for Girls

abdl phone sexAbdl phone sex is not just for boys. I have a neighbor girl who is an adult baby. I play with her, indulge her lifestyle because her own parents refuse to acknowledge that she wants to live as an adult baby. I have lots of phone experience with you dirty diaper loving boys, so it was not hard to be her mommy.  She is a college coed so she is not always at home, but when she is, she has a special room in my house for adult baby play. She was in town this weekend and came over. I put her in diapers. I even dressed her as a little girl with a frilly little dress, pig tails and a baby bonnet. She would walk around the house sucking her thumb and clenching her baby doll. She knows the rules while at my house. She can be an abdl female all she wants as longs as she doesn’t shit her diapers. My days of changing poopy diapers  are long over. Well, she deliberately shit her diapers, fell on the floor and threw a tantrum until I changed her just like a little brat. I was pissed. The smell was wretched and she was not moving off the floor. I played her game. I changed her. I even managed to act all sweet and loving when I cleaned her bottom up. But once she was all clean, I slammed her little cunnie and ass with dildos. She wanted to be a bad girl? I was going to treat her like a bad girl. I punished her little fuck holes. Double penetrated her with big dildos until she pleaded for me to stop. We took a bath afterwards to soothe her sore tushy. She spent the night. Slept in a diaper with a pacifier in her mouth, snuggled against  her dirty mom. I miss having wee ones.

Dirty Mom Lilibeth


Fantasy ABDL phone sex with Ashley

ABDL phone sex

I am so fucking horny right now! Its been a few days since I have fucked someone who could really make me cum! I am just so bored with all my fuck boys. I need someone new! Someone exciting with a few Taboo fantasies! Like maybe a younger guy who wanted to suck on this big titties? One who would get dressed up for me and act like a wittle baby boy for me! I’m sure these big double J titties would be the best titties to suck on! I day dream of breast feeding! It makes my clit tingle and then my pussy hole starts to leak! And well I just want to try it! Just thinking about having a giant adult baby sucking on these big titties! It makes me so fucking wet! I just might have to ride his cock while he nurses off these big double J titties!

Naughty Daydreamer Ashley


ABDL Phone Sex with a Mean Mommy

abdl phone sexDo you enjoy abdl phone sex? I know I do. I am what you might call a sissy loving mom. I have a natural mean streak in me. I love taunting and publicly shaming losers. Let’s face it. If like to wear diapers and baby clothes, you are most certainly a loser. If you shit and piss in your diapers, you are the biggest loser of them all. I think a poo poo pansy is the most shameful kind of sissy that exists. There are all sorts of sissy boys in the world.  There are sissy maids. There are sissy girls who like to dress in frilly and lacy clothes. There are adult diaper lover sissies. Then there are cock sucking sissies. Your typical sissy is a mix of all of the above. I have a neighbor who I caught raiding my panty drawer at a block party once. He was trying on my bras and panties, as well as checking out the diapers and baby items in my youngest son’s room. I outed him to the party guests because it was fun to publicly shame him. I yanked down his pants so everyone could see he was wear my pink panties. Of course, he had a little itty bitty clitty that belonged in panties. I feminized that bitch. Dressed her up in one of my daughter’s outfits, called her Cindy and made her service the men at the party. She chugged cock like I was chugging beer that night. She has been my sissy bitch ever since. She just needed a good dirty mommy to take control. Many of you sissies need discipline and order to function. You need a sissy mom who will shame you, give you tasks and punish you when you poop your diaper.  But I am not the sissy mom for you if you can’t handle public humiliation.

Mean Mommy Gianna


Adult diaper lover

adult diaper lover

I love diaper boys! When my hun is in need of attention I always put his cute little butt in a diaper and bring out my titties so that my sweet milky nipples can get suckled on just the way I like! My sweetie loves my mommy milk!

I pat his bottom and let him sit on my lap as I rock him back and forth on my wet little pussy. He sucks my milk right out of my boobies. His cock gets so hard for mommy. It stands up waiting for me to take that diaper off and suck him into my mouth.

All a mommy needs is for our boys to pump as much cum into our holes as much as we lactate in their mouths! I am going to change my sweet hearts diaper and maybe give it a couple of pops, making it bright red.

Addison / nasty mommy whore


This adult diaper lover was a very naughty baby!

adult diaper loverThis adult diaper lover right here was a very bad baby! He was playing with all my dirty panties and making a HUGE mess even though I have told him over and over again not to do that! He had to learn his lesson so I called all of my mommy friends over and we all forced him into frilly dresses and made him sit in his diaper until he messed in it! Oh we laughed so hard! He was begging for us to change his diaper and please let him dress like a boy but bad babies don’t get what they want! Bad babies need to get humiliated and spanked and made to truly regret their bad behavior! I think we really broke this baby’s spirit though, he was very apologetic by the time we were thru with him but only time will tell if he’s gonna really be a good boy or not!

Pervy Mommy Peggy


I got to be an abdl babysitter!

abdl phone sexYesterday I got to be an abdl babysitter! My girlfriend had to go out of town and her sweet boy simply could not be left at home all by himself! He was completely incapable of feeding himself or changing his own diaper, hell, he couldn’t even get out of his playpen on his own! I showed up just as he was throwing a huge temper tantrum, he didn’t want his mommy to leave him there alone with me but she was having none of his nonsense. She firmly told him that if he continued to be a naughty baby she would have to instruct me to punish him… well that didn’t stop all his whining, in fact, that just made him whine more! That’s why she gave me the paddle and told me to spank his little bottom with it, he was screaming “Mama nooooo, I poopy mama!” but she just said that was an even better punishment and then she left. I went straight to spanking that naughty baby because I was already sick of all his brattiness! Every smack of the paddle just smeared that poop all over him but I wasn’t gonna change that mess, part of his punishment was to sit in it until his momma came home!

Pervy Mommy Peggy


Adult diaper lover are such Sweet Girls

Adult diaper loverYou’re such a good little Adult diaper lover for Mommy. We’ve gone out, done our shopping, ran our errands and you’ve not put up a fuss at all about wearing your little tutu that shows off your ruffly diaper I got you and your pink shirt with that bib, bonnet, and binky. You didn’t even make a mess! I think it’s time for good little sissy girls to get a reward! I got this new toy just for you, so lay back. Let Mommy look in your diaper, it’s okay sweetling. It’s just going to be cold for one second right on your bum bum. Mommy just has to lube it up for the new toy, it’s going to slide in just like this and when Mommy turns it on… See it feels really nice. It presses just on your little girl clit in your bitch pussy. I love it when your little pee pee gets hard. It makes mommy giggle. Mommy is going to put your nappy back on and let that little toy just tease you while you wiggle around on Mommy’s lap. You look thirsty baby. Let mommy pull out her tits. That’s a good girl. Mmm, that’s right. It feels so good when you suck on mommy like that. Look at that little pee pee throb. Does it feel nice when Mommy touches you through the nappy? Silly little girl, fucking mommy’s hand through the diapy. That’s right, hump mommy’s palm. You’re such a good little girl. Mommy wants you to cum for her, make a sticky mess in your diapy for Mommy like a good little girl.

Adult Baby Diaper Lover

Naughty Mommy Candice


Are you my sweet abdl phone sex baby?

abdl phone sexAre you going to be my sweet little abdl phone sex baby? I know you need a mommy to take care of you sweetheart, I can definitely be that mommy for you. First Mommy will give you a nice warm bath to get you all clean, then it will be time for your diaper. I know you love it when I lay you down, slide that fresh diaper under you and sprinkle that baby powder all over your little peepee and bottom, it feels really good right baby? Then it will be time to put on your warm fuzzy footie pajamas and have some quality snuggle time with Mommy. That’s my very favorite part; when I get to cuddle you on my lap and let you breastfeed, I just love the way your mouth feels on my nipple! I will cuddle my sweet boy all the way until you fall asleep too, this is going to be the best night ever!

Sweet and Sexy Bernadette


Daphne is a Sissy Adult diaper lover!

Adult diaper lover

My new sissy is an Adult diaper lover. He loves to lay on his back after he shit himself and have me clean him up. At first I didn’t think I could handle a grown ass man shitting himself on purpose. I had this adult baby sissy laying on his back with his leg spread wide open sucking on binkie, I turned my head for 2 seconds and his hands were in his hot steamy poop! He was rubbing it all over his ass and uncut cock! What a mess he made! I was not happy! I slapped his ass hard. He giggled.

Dirty mom

I pulled out his binkie and put his shit covered fingers in his mouth, told him to suck it off. He spit his fingers out and started crying for his binkie. I grabbed it shoved it up his dirty ass! His eye popped open wide and he started saying “More mommy! MORE MORE!!” I grabbed a fat and long candle stick that I had for decoration and I shoved the flat in up his ass. He moaned and begged me for more up his ass. I giggled as I started playing with his tiny stinky shit covered cock. I started shoving that candle in and out of his dirty ass while I was rubbing his little cock! You should have seen his little face as I made my dirty sissy cum!

Mommy Daphne


ABDL Phone Sex with a Mommy & Daughter

abdl phone sexMorgan and I love ABDL phone sex. She is my daughter and although we only recently got into these kinds of calls, we have years of experience with sissies and adult babies. Morgan has a cousin on her father’s side of the family we have played with for years. Not the kind of playing you think either.  He doesn’t fuck his cousin or his aunt. We play dress up with him. He is a life size doll. Actually, he is like an older sister for Morgan. Just last week he paid us a visit. He understands his role now in our lives. He is my baby. My big baby and adult diaper lover. Morgan likes to dress him up in diapers and girly baby clothes while making fun of his small little pee pee. It is a shameful dick. Morgan always joked she would suck on a pacifier first because it was bigger than her cousin’s dick. That was when we got the idea to make him her baby sister. We took him shopping for some more appropriate clothing. At the time he was a school boy and  it was easy to outfit him in little baby girl clothes. Now that he is bigger, we struggle, but there are great sites dedicated to adult babies. He has a play pen, a crib, a changing table, a slew of clothes and I have a rocking chair to nurse him in.  He is a bad baby though. He poops his diaper all the time. Morgan likes to shame him by taking pictures of him in his soiled diaper and  send them to  her school friends. She likes to leave him in his smelly poopy diaper over night so he gets a rash on his bum. She is a mean girl for sure. I tend to be more of a sweet mommy, but our adult baby can be a really bad baby sometimes. Can you be a bad baby too?

Dirty Mom Madison


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