ABDL phone sex slut trainer Remi

ABDL phone sex

My bad little sissy slut is in big trouble! I caught her making cummies which breaks rule number 1. No cummies until I say so! My little sissy sluts are not to make cummies until they have used their diaper like a good brat. Since we have a problem of learning lessons, I have to make sure my sissy slut does not cum until she is told!  I’m gonna keep her tied up while I change this sticky, messy diaper. I am going to shove my sparkly diamond plug in her perfect, tight pussy.  I’m gonna pull my phone out and show everyone what a slutty little one I’m dealing with. She is gonna stay in these sissy diapers until she can show me that she knows how to listen. I have these thick, waterproof locking panties to go over that pretty pink diaper so she can’t take it off. She will stay there, tied up with that blingy plug in her cum hole until she does as she’s told. Once I have this little one properly trained, she can be my newest ABDL phone sex brat!


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