ABDL Phone Sex Mommy Nicolette is a Dirty Mom

ABDL phone sex mommy

I’m an ABDL phone sex mommy. I love my diaper wearing boys. I can be a sweet mommy or a mean mommy depending on my diaper loving boy. Some adult babies are good babies, then some are just unruly little brats. I took Sean to the mall to shop for some clothes. He needed some little boy school outfits as school will be in session again soon. He threw a tantrum at the store. I don’t like unruly brats. I took him into the family bathroom, took off his clothes and spanked him. He had a poopy diaper so I left him in it. I spanked him through his diaper mashing all that shit into his little ass crack. He smelled something awful too. He needed punished so I made him finish shopping in his smelly diaper alone. We walked around the mall with my big baby in poopy diapers. Nothing else. No shirt, no shoes, no pants. You want to throw a tantrum so all eyes are on you? I will make sure you have all eyes on you. The looks we got were priceless. If you are a dirty boy, you get treated like a dirty boy. We shopped for three hours with him like that. The smell was so awful, I had to put Vic’s Vapor Rub under my nose to mask it. No one said a thing to us either. We got looks, lots of them, but I think people understand that you need to punish disobedient brats. I don’t believe in coddling or spoiling little ones. Punishment is necessary. My little big baby shaped up once I publicly shamed him. He sucked on his binky, held mommy’s hand and did not utter a peep while we shopped for clothes. Some babies just need tough love from a dirty mom.dirty mom


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