ABDL phone sex Mommy

abdl phone sexABDL phone sex is my fucking favorite, seriously! Mommy is feeling very dirty and perverted. When this brat shoves out of my birth canal I am gonna make sure she slips right into your arms while she is still all gooey and slimy from my womb. You are so eager to corrupt her tiny body and I love seeing that deviant look in your eyes. Of course you’re wearing your adult diaper just like how you love to do but that’s okay honey, you can put a diaper on that freshly fucked little pussy as soon as you’re done playing with it too. Isn’t she so cute in her baby girl diaper with her baby girl cunny. She’s yelping and moaning loud but that’s okay, that’s normal. We need to treat her like the cum slut that she is and give her her birthday surprise of a big load of pee pee cream. I love being an adult diaper lover.

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