ABDL phone sex hot mommy Daphne

ABDL phone sex

I got a call yesterday from my boy! He was spending the night at a friends house so I made plans with a few friends of mine. Just as they started showing up my son called me to tell me he was scared and wanted to come home. Of course I dropped everything for my sweet boy, but it turns out that they wanted him to leave because he was being so bad. I called up my friends as I was coming home. Told them this bad boy needed to be taught a lesson from some real men. My boy gets to fuck me when ever he wants but Mommy needs a nice big thick cock and when my boy is gone I always have my big cocked friends come over. When we got into the house those men grabbed my son, Put my dirty panties in his mouth and forced a diaper on his bad ass.  All of these big dicked black men came after me, Kissing me, grabbing my titties and my pussy. Spreading me open. You should have seen his eyes when the biggest cock came out. He watch his naughty mommy sucking that big black cock! Then he tried to wiggle away as that big black cock stretched open his mommies pussy and fucked me until I squirted right on my boy. Now it was my turn to get all those men off while they took turns fucking me and covering my boy in their cum!

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