ABDL phone sex is a lot of fun. I love an adult baby. Some mothers think they are too old to change diapers anymore. I don’t mind. I have a nurturing side to me. I love taking care of adult babies. My daughter dabbles in the life style. I think my love for big babies comes from my experience with her. She loves to wear diapers, nurse from mommy and have me take care of her like I did so many years ago. I love being a mother and my favorite part of motherhood is when they are dependent on me for care. So, an adult diaper lover falls right into that nurturing side of me. I will take care of a bad baby boy or girl, or the good ones. I can be a mean mommy when pushed, but my preference is to love the fuck out of you. I can be your wet nurse, your diaper changer, your sweet mommy or your sissy mom. Mommy is here for you.