Are You an Adult Diaper Lover?

adult diaper loverAre you an adult diaper lover? You are not alone. As a sissy mom, I talk to lots of big boys who make a poopy in their diapers. Some dirty boys will get a sweet loving mommy who will clean them up, nurse them and rock them to sleep. For good boys, I clean poopy bottoms. We know that in life not every boy is a good boy. Simon was not a good boy. It didn’t have anything to do with his little dick. If a grown man is in diapers, I expect that he doesn’t have a monster cock. Simon was a bad boy because he threw a temper tantrum and took off his own poopy diaper and threw it against the wall. This mommy doesn’t put up with bad boy behavior. I punish naughty little boys. I cleaned him up because he smelled like a shit factory.  I made him clean up the wall first, however. Fear is a good motivator. Simon is an investment banker who pays me for a dirty mom experience because he has an adult baby fetish. I snapped a shit ton of pictures and threatened to out him in my blogs and on social media if he didn’t clean up the mess he made. He pouted like a big baby, but he did what he was told. After that, he was over my lap naked for some bare bottom spankings as punishment. I spanked his ass until he was crying like a baby and his ass was bright pink. I enjoyed it. I can be a sweet mommy or a mean mommy. Being a mean mommy is more fun I have discovered. After I was done inflicting punishment, I put him to bed with a butt plug in his ass. Maybe next time he’ll think before he shits.

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