abdl phone sex with a loser

abdl phone sexdirty mom

I got into abdl phone sex very interestingly. I dated the most fabulous guy. Not only was he compassionate sweet and so thoughtful, But He also showered me in gifts. I got to go all over the world. I soon realized he lacked down under;  My sweet boyfriend had a secret. Not only was his dick small but he wanted me to be his abdl momma. I had to put diapers on him and make him jerk off in his pampers. At first, I wasn’t too thrilled about that, but then I was. I ended up being his dominating mommy. I would call the shots and make him cry if he wasn’t reasonable. I would let him watch me fuck other men and see how his itty bitty dick would twitch. I would point and laugh and repeat. I would bring my girlfriends over for wine and tapas and bring out the entertainment. My boyfriend with a diaper on him. We would all joke and make him pull out his wee-wee. We wanted to see him go pee-pee in his diaper. We chuckled, and he would beg to rub one out. We could see how excited he was our humiliation puppet. I am his dirty mom after all.

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