This adult diaper lover was a very naughty baby!

adult diaper loverThis adult diaper lover right here was a very bad baby! He was playing with all my dirty panties and making a HUGE mess even though I have told him over and over again not to do that! He had to learn his lesson so I called all of my mommy friends over and we all forced him into frilly dresses and made him sit in his diaper until he messed in it! Oh we laughed so hard! He was begging for us to change his diaper and please let him dress like a boy but bad babies don’t get what they want! Bad babies need to get humiliated and spanked and made to truly regret their bad behavior! I think we really broke this baby’s spirit though, he was very apologetic by the time we were thru with him but only time will tell if he’s gonna really be a good boy or not!

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