ADBDL phone sex is so much fun. I love making fun of men in diapers. Do not get me wrong. I can be a total sweet mommy too. That is my nature, but most of you calling me want a mean mommy who will laugh at you for being in poopy diapers. I have no problem doing that because a grown ass man sitting in his own filth is pathetic, don’t you agree? If you just want to breast feed and cuddle with mommy that is one thing. But that is rarely the case. Most of you want a mean mommy to laugh at how pathetic you are for crapping your diaper. You want sissy diaper humiliation for being a pooping pansy. I will give it to you in spades. My daughter likes to nurse from mommy’s breasts in diapers occasionally. She only dabbles in the lifestyle. She never would sit in a shit filled diaper or be like some losers calling me up to be changed because their diaper is full. I am the wrong mommy to change your dirty diaper. If you want to be shamed and laughed out for being a pathetic pooping pansy, you are in the right place.