Labor Day ABDL phone sex Mom

abdl phone sex

From a big breasted young hottie to a ABDL phone sex mom, just a do it all BBW! Now some of you big baby boys need an extra dose of nurturing and somehow I have that! This BBW slut is used to big cock and titty fucking. I recently came across several adult diaper boys who need a mommy. I went from getting fucked by a big black cock to changing diapers this labor day! I never even had a sibling or niece to do these things with, But it seemed natural as I popped a titty in my ABDL callers mouth and was shushing and talking baby talk to him. I just loved how I was able to gauge an adult boy wearing huggies and see that poopy face all skewed up in a poop! I had to take this boy to my house and play momma! Seems like no one else was up to the job in the neighborhood. 

He was an adult diaper lover, it was plain to see. 


Did no one else feel the need to out this boy? I could see the top of his diaper and how wet and soggy it was. I felt bad for him and his little pee-pee. I put up a baby gate and put on some cartoons as he complained and told me I was wrong about his diaper wearing. My tits out sure helped distract my sweet snookums! I scooped him up for a savage diaper check! He was so stinky and dirty, I knew I had to take out the wipes and diapers from his book bag and clean him up. I enjoyed my time with my ABDL boy, but I still need some big dicks to suck! I’m a phone sex mommy now and a big cock sucker too! Cum play with mommy Cat!

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