I am a former porn star. Not a major one like Jenna Jameson. I was not a household name. You would think having been in the porn industry and being married to a P man, I would have seen everything. I was somewhat shocked when I met my first adult diaper lover. A friend of mine from my porn days confessed to me that he wore diapers. He showed me. This was a man with a big cock too. Honestly, I did not get it. Why would a grown man want to wear diapers and engage in baby talk? Why would he want to expose himself to the humiliation of pooping and pissing in a diaper? I had to have my friend explain it all to me. It was not something I understood. I wondered if Freud would have had anything to say on the matter. I did some research and determined it had a lot to do with a person’s younger years. Lack of nurture. Poor potty training or late potty training. Parental abuse. I started to feel bad about mocking my friend who came out to me. I wondered if he lacked a nurturing mommy or was even abused. I had him come back the next day and I pretended to be his sweet mommy. I changed his dirty diapers. I breast fed him because at that time I was still lactating because my youngest was still in diapers. I bathed him and I rocked him to sleep. For years, we had a regular adult diaper session. A couple hours every Wednesday were dedicated to changing his diapers and giving some TLC. When I got into the phone sex business, ABDL phone sex was an easy specialty because of my friend. I am mostly a sweet mommy, but some adult babies are brats and deserve a mean mommy.