Category Archive: Adult diaper lover

Adult Diaper Lover Needs His Pregnant Mommy

adult Diaper Lover

He always needed his pregnant mommy, as some adult diaper lover men do.  I don’t mind caring to his needs as a big man brat who wants to leave all of his responsibilities at the door. In fact, It’s my number one kink. Boy and mommy love date back to the beginning of time. I will always want my sons and my stand in boys to be in a loving sexual relationship with me. I even like the small sweet pennies that are perfect tucked in a pair of plastic pants. All the better to soak up your pee and keep it next to your ittle bittle drinkie poo. Don’t worry I have plenty of diapers of all kinds and sizes just for you. You know ABDL phone sex has it all. I can pamper you from afar and enjoy our little giggles and role plays like no other mommy. My sweet thick breast milk drips for you as I guide you into the small dicked man baby world. You are mommies sweet Baby boy and your little dick is all mine.  I will happily be your big titty heavy pregnant mommy! A few diaper changes and bottles of cum should make you happy and satisfied for me. You adult baby wish is to be coddled by mommy Gabby!

Preggo ABDL LOVER Mommy Gabby

(800) 988-2055 ext. 821

Mommy Polly’s ABDL Sissy Slut

Adult Baby Diaper LoverMommy’s favorite boy is an adult baby diaper lover! Oh he is so naughty! He came in to bed last night, and I could smell that swampy bottom! My sweet sissy boy tried to cuddle up with Mommy and have some sexy fucking play time, but naughty boys don’t get pleasure. Naughty little boys get punishment. But first, I had to change his shitty diaper. I laid him on his big boy changing table, and took that soiled diaper off. Then I wiped his nasty little asshole, and got all the sticky shit off of his balls. He needed bath time, and he kept trying to get me to take off his little cock cage to clean him better but I refused. I knew him shitting in his diaper was just a ploy to cum somehow. As I administered his after bath bare bottom spankings, I made him admit to that. When he did, oh I let that slutty boy know he would wear his cage for another eighteen days, which is how many wipes it took to clean up his adult diaper mess! I made him lap at my wet mommy pussy with his bad boy tongue until I cam all over his face. Then I teased him all up, put a fresh diaper on, and made him drink a big glass of water. And then another! His other punishment was to hold his piss in until morning. If he woke up with a dry diaper, he could cum tomorrow. As he drank his third glass of water, I grinned sadistically. I was such a mean mommy. I knew he’d be desperate to piss in about an hour, and he had a long night of holding ahead of him.

Mean Mommy Phone Sex

Dirty Mommy Polly

(800) 251-1696 ext 820

ABDL Phone Sex Is Naughty With Mistress Francis

adult diaper loverI love when I get a call from an adult diaper lover. I keep a box beside me at all times. I love the tone of their cute little voices when they hear me crinkle them and pull the Velcro back. I can almost see their little pee pee’s getting hard. But what they like best is when I tell them to lay back and then I lift their legs and place that soft diaper under their bottoms. I must put some Vaseline on the heads of their cocks too – wouldn’t want any chaffing now would we. Then I pull up the front and fasten it securely. No diapers would be complete without a sweet pair of diaper covers to complete the look, so I put those on too. Then I want to hear them walk, like waddle, so I can hear the little sounds the diaper makes. But they always make a mess in them. Because I think they need punished for such I put my hands between their legs and rub that diaper against their skin. Spreading the piss and shit all over them. It is my little treat for putting up with those little sissies. But don’t cry just yet, I will grab the wipes and clean you all up and start again with a fresh diaper. So, if you want Mistress Francis to put a pair of diapers on you too just pick up the phone and call for a little abdl phone sex.


1-800-268-0941 ext 843

ABDL Phone Sex for Sissies

abdl phone sex

ABDL phone sex is fun for a sissy trainer. Sissies and adult babies are similar in many ways. Both are fun to shame. I have a sissy who loves to pee and poop in diapers. He is a quasi adult baby. Basically, he is just a humiliation junkie. Anything that gets him laughed at, he does. He came over yesterday in a pretty dress and diapers. Full diaper too. He had been sitting in his own filth on the drive over. He knows I do not change dirty diapers. Those years are over. I can be a loving sweet mommy, but if you are a pathetic dirty adult diaper lover, you see my mean side. He thought I would change him because I would rather do that then smell the stench. Wrong. I put some Vics Vapor rub under my nose to dull the smell instead. I made him sit in his own filth. Sissies and adult babies cannot manipulate the situation. I am in charge always. I laughed at him nonstop. Pathetic shitter. Pathetic loser. I changed the game on him. I spanked him in his shit filled diaper. I made him sing humiliating songs. I never changed him. I wrote in red lipstick all over his body. I even made him call his ex-wife and tell her he was a shitty diaper wearing sissy bitch. I snapped some pictures of him too, which were uploaded to his social media profiles. By the time he left, he was outed as the dirty boy he is. I thought maybe I had been too extreme on the loser and would never see him again. That was my hope at least. About an hour later, he booked another appointment with me for sissy diaper humiliation. The loser just may be the most pathetic loser ever.

Sissy Trainer Coraline

1-800-211-5480 Ext 808

Naughty ABDL Gets Mommy’s Punishment

My little adult diaper lover was a naughty sissy today. He didn’t behave while Mommy was masturbating in the shower. He pulled out all the pots and pans in the kitchen, dressed himself in my frilly panties and sexy little dresses, and left his play-dough all over the floor.

That is too much for this ABDL Mommy,. I lost my sweet temper; over my knee he went and I spanked his bare bottom until I was sure my hand print would glow red hot on his soft baby cheeks for a very long time. He screamed like such a little brat, kicking and flailing while I beat his little ass! He was starting to back talk Mommy, so I took off his diaper and shoved it in his mouth to muffle his bratty bullshit.

I taped that little brat’s diaper right in his sassy mouth! He was so upset, but his tiny cock strained against it’s little chastity. Then, I went and got his least favorite punishment: A big, tapered butt plug. I bent him back over, spit on his little asshole, and slammed the entire toy right in his rosebud! He screamed, but his diaper gag took care of that! I put him in a fresh diaper, and set him to sit in the corner until he was ready to apologize and be a good boy. It’s going to be a long night of a full bottom for him.

Mean Mommy Polly

(800) 251-1696 ext 820

Sexy Mommy Does ABDL Phone Sex

ABDL phone sex

ABDL phone sex is for those who need a dedicated mommy to help them through those times when you have no caregiver or are not getting the attention you desire from yours. I have a sissy diaper boy who is in between having a caretaker. The fun part of my little boy, is that he is really a shy little girl diaper wearer. Let’s call him Sissy Rowe. Sissy Row and I love to discuss how she had a Daddy who was her diaper changer and would give her his dick to pacify her when she was bad. It was this daddy who made Sissy Row into a little cum sucking lady boy. NOt all adult diaper lovers have mommys, but most require one even when daddy is away. Now, i enjoy the dirty playtime stories and wish i was right there so i could give my sissy a drink of milk while i sucked that big daddy cock “she” so misses. 


Tonight we went through making a bottle of chocolate milk and helping her change her wet diaper before snuggling down into her blanket. Our story started with a prince who wanted to be a princess. “That’s me mommy!” The excited squeals had my pussy pumping. I looked through my sex toy drawer and said that mommy needed something in her pussy, pick a color. Sissy Rowe chose red and I toyed with my pussy as we went through the steps this prince would have to go through to be a princess. PeePee would have to stay small and be subject to all the fucking that the Knights gave “Her”. At the end of our story sissy Rowe screeched, I want to be Princess mommy! I told her to shove her own dildo in her ass pussy after she unfastened her diaper so we both could squirt together!


(800) 988-2055 ext. 820

I Love Playing With An Adult Diaper Lover

adult diaper loverWell look at that adult diaper lover surfing the web trying to find a mommy to take care of his needs. Don’t worry love, you have happened across the right site. I love to take care of my adult babies. I have an entire basket of different diapers just waiting for me to powder your ass and velcro the tabs. I have Luv’s, Pamper, Huggies and more. In all sizes too, so I have your fat ass covered. Anyways, you know if I am going to diaper your bottom, I am going to have a little fun with it. I mean what is the point if I don’t get something too, right? So, you sit yourself down and let’s fasten those tabs so I can watch you waddle all around making those cute little baby noises. I think I will hand you a pacy and perhaps even a bottle. Oh no bottle? You want to be a breast-fed baby. That is fine too honey, just lay on mommy’s lap and latch on to these big mommy tits. As you start sucking what is that I hear? Some major crinkling going on. I better undo those tabs really quick and check it out. No, you don’t have to stop suckling. Oh my, your little pee pee is getting hard isn’t it? It must feel good to have mommy’s titties in your mouth as you suck on my hard nipples. Don’t mind me, keep nursing. I am just going to keep undoing your diapers. I have a toy for you love, see this pretty glass toy? Your eyes look bright with excitement honey. Let me lick it and get it nice and wet. Wow, that pee pee is really big now. Now hold on to mommy’s nipple, this might make you feel some pressure, but mommy promises you are going to love it. You feel me move your diaper back and start sticking that dildo into your cute baby ass as you continue to nurse on my breasts. Now I am going to move it back and forth, in and out. You seem to really like that. You are really sucking my tits now. Damn baby looks like you came all in your diaper. I think you liked that didn’t you? Now I am going to fasten them back up and let you walk around in those cum filled diapers for a while. So, what are you waiting for? Put on some diapers and give me a call for some naughty abdl phone sex.


1-800-279-3016 ext 838

Are You an Adult Diaper Lover?

adult diaper loverDo you have your own adult diaper lover stories you cannot tell many people? You can tell me. I love sissies and adult babies. I have a daughter who dabbles in the lifestyle. I love putting her in diapers. She is tiny for her age, so we can find Pampers and Luvs that fit her, especially the pull up kind. We went shopping over the weekend. Now that she is a new mommy, she is changing diapers and feeding her own daughter. She likes to give up power occasionally and let me take care of her. While we were shopping for things for my grand girl, we bought her some things too. We got her new bottles and diapers, and a few cute little baby doll dresses with ruffled panties. Are you jealous? I have plenty of adult baby things to share with you. I have an entire room dedicated to adult baby play. My daughter got fed, bathed and rocked to sleep last night in that room. I love ABDL phone sex. Plus, my daughter would love a brother to play with her.

Phone Sex Milf Victoria

1-800-211-5480 Ext 807

Adult Diaper Lover Mommy

adult diaper lover

I have a question for you. As an adult diaper lover, what is it that you love most? Do you just love the look and feel of them? I know you might like that crinkly noise that happens when you touch them. You probably like rubbing your little cock through your diaper too, don’t you? Adult babies like you are always being naughty and doing that! You just can’t stop touching yourself. Sometimes you probably even put your hand down into your diaper so you can get ahold of your pee pee, don’t you? You’re such a naughty adult baby.

If I catch you touching your pee pee without asking me for permission, I might take your diaper off, which would be punishment enough. But that’s not the only punishment you’ll get. I’ll give you an over the knee bare assed spanking AND I won’t put your diaper back on you for a while. But if you’re a good adult baby, you won’t have to worry about that. I’ll change your diaper just the way you like it, complete with baby powder sprinkled all over your private areas and then I’ll rub it in for you. Are you a good adult baby or a bad one? Call me and tell me now.


(800) 211-7167 ext 809

ABDL Phone Sex Is Naughty

ABDL Phone SexABDL phone sex makes this slut a happy girl. I love to put cute character diapers on you and treat you like a little baby. Watch you waddle around and listen to the diapers make that cute little crunchy sound as you walk. But what really makes me excited is when I put you in your training pants, you know the ones. The ones that you wear when I try to potty train you. But I have more in mind than just potty training you honey. Look at this cute pink pair I have for you? Notice that sweet hole right around your bum? That is for me to do with you as I please. Easy access for me to fasten up my strap on and tear your little diaper wearing ass up. Don’t pretend that you don’t get even more excited just thinking about that. I bet you are messing in your diapers right now, aren’t you? Well let me get you a new pair. Lay on your back and spread your legs. Goodness you made a big mess, don’t want it to go to waste now do we? Open up wide and lick all your gooey goodness off that diaper baby. Oh, what a good little slut you are. Lay back as I fasten these Pampers for you. Look all done and I have a special treat just for you. A cute little pacifier that I stuck up my wet juicy cum filled cunt just for you. Now suck on that baby like the perverted adult diaper lover you are.


1-800-267-8539 ext 842

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