ABDL phone sex sissy Bitches

ABDL phone sex

Being a ABDL phone sex cross dressing sissy slut was always your destiny. You must be molded into a weak, pathetic and humiliated bitch that you are! Mommy Isabella’s next stage of your training is pull-ups and diapers. There are many reasons a sissy slut like you must be in a crinkly diaper! I will keep you locked up until you’re begging for a di-di change! Wearing diapers reminds you of your place as a pathetic feminized slut. The diaper also keeps you in line with my wanted sexually for you. Now baby boy the only role you have with me is being a slut on your  knees with your mouth open!

Mommy likes you ready to take dicks at a moment’s whim! Your diaper life  will make you feel extra submissive to your mother. But theutmost important part is that the diaper helps you to further erase all that toxic manhood.  Well, Not that you were ever really much of a man anyways. But any last traces of masculinity must be eradicated.  The Adult diaper lover  lifestyle will help me do just that for you! Momma knows you are just a pathetic sissy bound in  diapers! Let your mean and sissy training mommy Isabella make you into what you really are! 

adult diaper lover

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