ABDL Phone Sex Mommy Abby will humiliate you make you cry. Punish your fucking ass at the same time taking pictures of you in your tiny little diaper. All things considered Mommy Abby will be paddling your behind. You made a big mess in your diaper. What a sissy little girl you are. Look at how small you are. Lost in the diaper.
Most compelling evidence is the doo-doo you did in your diaper hides your pee-pee. That log you dumped is much bigger than you. Might as well put a bow in your hair. Turn over my knee. Paddle you hard.
As can be seen you evidently like it. Going to stick a finger up your butt. It just slips in as you get your bare bottom spanking. Giving you an enema. Just wait until I show everyone what a sissy diaper wearing little brat you are. Notably you may sniffle, but I will not be satisfied until I have finally made you cry and exposed you to the entire world.
As long as I am showing everyone just how small you are that you are still in diapers, getting dressed as a sissy little bitch. Going to treat you like a sissy. It’s important for you to realize that a sissy is not a girl. It is something beneath everyone else.
In summary, take your licks and suffer the consequences of being the brat of a mean mommy like me.