ABDL phone sex Mistress

As a Sissy trainer I am also an ABDL phone sex Mistress. After all many diaper lover’s are good little sissy sluts too. It’s something that can go well together. With me I am a firm Mistress, a take no shit kind of controlling Queen Bitch.

Essentially I am a dominant woman and a size queen. My goal with a filthy little diaper wearing sissy faggot like you is to control you, humiliate you and make you into a sissy princess diaper wearing little bitch.

You sweet tender bottom will sting when I am done with you, I promise. The mean bitch in me has no qualms about corporal punishment. This is especially true when it comes to bare bottom spankings. Sometimes it will be a hard core pegging of that sweet slut hole of yours.

Trust me as a mean mommy Mistress. It’s my very pleasure to ruin your manhood. That is what little you may have. My goal is to shrink that clitty down, castrate your tentacles and make them into ovaries. You will become a girl. My baby girl at that if I have any say in this matter you little slut.

ABDL phone sex

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