ABDL Phone Sex is Something Right Up a Sissy Mom’s Ally

abdl phone sexI am a sissy mom who enjoys ABDL phone sex too. What is not to love? I get to turn a boy into a sissy, a maid and a little squirt reliant on mommy again. It is good to be the queen. There is this friend of my daughter’s who is into the ABDL lifestyle. His problem is he cannot tell anyone about his life. I feel badly that there is so much shame around the lifestyle because I think the only shame in this world should be not living your life by your rules. I am not talking anarchy here, but where is the harm in wearing diapers and suckling off mommy’s big boobies? It is not hurting anyone. The adult diaper lover and the mommy are both consenting adults, right? My daughter’s friend comes over once a week for some ABDL fun with mommy. Not his mommy, but I am a great surrogate mommy. Maybe I am even a better mommy because I do not judge at all. I know how hard it can be to express yourself. I do phone sex because I cannot be open about my lifestyle as a P mommy. I am not living in shame about it. I am just avoiding being in jail, LOL. Orange is so not my color. So, if you are an adult baby and there is no one to nurture you and let you explore your fetish, let me be your sweet ABDL Phone sex mommy.

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