I love ABDL phone sex. My friends do not understand why I love adult babies and sissies because I cannot fuck them. Both have little dicks. Both are shameful and fun to humiliate. Maybe I cannot fuck them with a real dick, but I can fuck them with a strapon. That is why I love sissies and adult babies so much. I have a few of my own adult babies and a ton of my own sissies. I am a sissy trainer by trade, but since adult babies are akin to sissies, I get plenty of them for my amusement too. Madison is a special breed of sissy. She is a mix. Part sissy and part adult diaper lover. She likes to wear pink laced baby doll dresses and jingly jangly bracelets. Under her pretty dresses, however, she wears diapers. She is a poopy princess too. She provides me with much enjoyment.
You heard of The Hunger Games? I have the Sissy Games. I order sissies to send me pictures of them dressed in their best sissy garb. Madison sends creative and pretty pictures of her dressed like Shirley Temple in a poop filled diaper. She is the queen of Pathetic. I post her pictures all over my social media. Public shaming of sissies is my favorite past time. Not only do I humiliate my sissies, but so do my hot friends and fellow sissy trainers. If you are lucky enough to have me as your sissy trainer or ABDL mommy, you are in the public eye for anyone to shame. Even your family, because I will make you tribute me not to share your pictures anywhere I can.
If you are a sissy or adult baby, I shame you the same. It is not enough to just pretend on a call that you are a sissy fairy faggot. I want proof. I want to see pictures of you in pretty dresses, diapers, sucking cock…. Anything that proves you are the real deal. Are you a sissy or adult baby, or just a poser?